Where did artist Elizabeth Peyton go to high school?
October 1, 2008 8:57 PM   Subscribe

Where did Elizabeth Peyton go to high school?

This week's New Yorker had an excellent profile on the artist Elizabeth Peyton. They mention that she was her high school senior class president, but they didn't mention where she went to high school. I'm curious... and my google fu didn't bring up much. Does the hive mind know the answer?
posted by abirae to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: Not an exact answer, but she grew up in Danbury, Connecticut, so my guess is one of the schools in that area. Unfortunately, I can't think of any way to track it further other than calling some local schools and talking to their librarians/yearbook departments.
posted by marginaliana at 1:33 PM on October 3, 2008

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