Disney movie about telepathic twins?
September 21, 2008 1:22 AM

MovieFilter: When I was a kid (late 90's) there was a movie on the Disney Channel or Family Channel that I absolutely loved. Help me find out what it's called!

Note: It may not be a Disney movie. I went through a list of Disney movies of the 1990s and couldn't find it.

I don't remember much about it. Part of the premise was that everyone in the world had a twin somewhere, and this girl found her boy twin and they became best friends. And there was something about how they lived at a rich old man's house and he bought them lots of toys, but it may only have been the girl who lived at the man's house, I'm not sure. Also, once any set of twins in the world had met they'd do something like join hands and then purple light would appear and they were beamed up to another planet where everyone lived with their twin. My friend also remembers this movie and he claims the twins had a telepathic connection but I'm not sure.
Any help with figuring out the name of the movie is appreciated!
posted by alon to Media & Arts (8 answers total)
Escape From Witch Mountain?
posted by meta87 at 1:38 AM on September 21, 2008

Yes Escape to Witch Mountain.
posted by bjgeiger at 1:51 AM on September 21, 2008

FYI. Its being remade starring The Rock.
posted by ChazB at 2:17 AM on September 21, 2008

And the version in question was itself a remake of the 1975 version. Looks like the '95 version can be found in parts on YouTube, so the OP is in luck there (it doesn't seem to be on DVD).

Both the original and its '78 sequel are on DVD, though, and it might seem old-fashioned for someone who grew up in the '90s, but I still found it be charming as well as nostalgic, so that might be worth looking into also, especially if you have younger relatives or something.

Boy, did I ever have a crush on Kim Richards...
posted by TheSecretDecoderRing at 2:27 AM on September 21, 2008

TheSecretDecoderRing, when I found out that Kim Richards is Paris Hilton's aunt it kind of ruined every pleasant memory I had of her.
posted by Sweetie Darling at 6:25 AM on September 21, 2008

Y'all, the original one is on TCM right now! (Noon EDT)
posted by Sweetie Darling at 9:10 AM on September 21, 2008

Thank you so much! Wow, these movies were a really big part of my childhood. Will look into finding a copy of them (I'd love to own'em).
posted by alon at 1:54 PM on September 21, 2008

TheSecretDecoderRing, when I found out that Kim Richards is Paris Hilton's aunt it kind of ruined every pleasant memory I had of her.

At first, it was sort of like finding out Darth Vader was Luke's dad, but in reverse. But then I thought, "What if Paris isn't so bad after all?" That didn't last too long.

I gotta add that it was interesting watching the originals after all these years, and actually knowing who Bette Davis, Christopher Lee, Ray Milland, and Donald Pleasance were. (It didn't take me too long to learn about Eddie Albert as a kid once Nick at Nite started showing Green Acres.)

And here's an added incentive to check out the "Return to Witch Mountain" DVD: the reuniting of the "Earthquake Gang"! (well, most of 'em anyway...)
posted by TheSecretDecoderRing at 2:12 PM on September 21, 2008

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