Limos in Vegas: Specific advice and general tips?
September 10, 2008 5:02 PM

Limos in Vegas: Seeking specific advice and general tips.

Can you recommend a limo service in Vegas that represents a good value? I'd prefer a lower rate to fancier cars, but the cars still have to be relatively modern and not likely to be... disheartening in any way.

I need to get 14 people from the MGM Grand to the Little White Wedding Chapel (which is 1/2 mile past the Stratosphere) and then from there to the Mandalay Bay about 30 minutes-1 hour later. Starting at about 9:30 in the morning on a Wednesday in October, hopefully at our final destination at 11:00 am.

Basically, my needs are two 15-minute rides spaced approx. 1 hour apart, but I'm thinking I'll have to book cars for 2 consecutive hours in order to ensure they're readily available to depart the chapel when we need to.

Any thoughts on how to book this, and with whom? If you could suggest tipping standards for the above scenario or your alternates, I'd be obliged. When & how much to tip, particularly.
posted by chudmonkey to Shopping (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I'm sure someone will come along and give you better advice, but last year on New Year's Eve, I was able to get a limo/party bus to take 18 people from downtown to the Strip with 3 hours notice by talking to the guys who handle the cab line in front of the hotel. I was a hero.

Obviously, a wedding in October and New Year's are worlds apart, so I don't have a lot of specific advice, but I suggest calling your hotel. The people at the front desk may not be very helpful (the ones I tried to talk to weren't), but see if they can get one of the cab guys on the phone. Those guys have personal relationships with the drivers and can probably hook you up.
posted by natabat at 5:16 PM on September 10, 2008

My best man booked a CLS limo for me, my wife and my family in Vegas a month ago. It was about $70 per hour on a Friday night including tip. You will be able to negotiate the hourly rate downward for Wednesday morning, but keep the tip the same. Payment and tip are due at the final destination.

The drivers totally don't mind sitting around waiting, but state law limits passengers to 7, so you'd better be sure about your headcount. I'll be honest, I've not seen many old limos in Vegas, so that probably won't enter into your calculations.
posted by infinitewindow at 5:17 PM on September 10, 2008

I'd just like to warn you that even if you've booked a time at the Chapel, that could easily get blown out. We booked our wedding time there far in advance, but that particular day was so busy that our ceremony was delayed about an hour. (This wasn't too bad for me and my husband - since we didn't have any guests - but it made things difficult for family and friends who'd been told to tune in to the webcast at a specific time. Apparently my mother actually called the Chapel several times to confirm she wasn't missing it, which explains why harrassed staff members kept checking on us.)

Granted, our scheduled time was 4pm, so if yours is in the morning things may go more smoothly... Just wanted to warn you that those limos may need to be held longer than you think.
posted by web-goddess at 7:05 PM on September 10, 2008

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