Coldstream Civic Week?
August 30, 2008 7:59 PM

Can anyone fill me in on Coldstream Civic Week?

I shot this little video on my still camera. It was a saturday evening on the borders of Scotland / England, in Coldstream.

I was driving thru the village in the late afternoon and parked to have a pint. The main pub downtown was crowded and spilling into the street with drunken, unruly young males.

I went a bit further, to near the end of the village and stopped at a hotel pub. It was filled with older gents (like me) with their ladies, and they were all well-dressed. However, we were all drinking out of plastic glasses.

They invited me over the road to a public ceremony in the park. The closing ceremony, though it probably had a name.

Who are these guys? Who are the three up on the podium? Why is the guy cryin' his eyes out? I know it must be a very important ritual, this "Civic Week" but WHAT IS IT?

I know, I should've asked, but somehow it didn't seem right at the time. I think I was the only 'tourist' there.

Plus, I'm a 'septic'. OK
posted by DickStock to Society & Culture (1 answer total)
A wee bit of Googling yielded this. Interesting part here:
The Coldstream Civic Week - inaugurated in 1952 which begins on a Sunday with the investiture of the Coldstreamer, the principal figure in the celebrations, and the bussing of the Burgh Flag. A week's activities follow with rideouts, gymkhana, sports and parades. The highlight of the week on the Thursday is the ride to the Flodden Memorial to commemorate the dead of 1513. Wreaths are laid, a short service held and an oration delivered by a guest speaker. Friday evening sees a torchlight procession and firework display. The Civic Week ends on the Saturday with horse racing, fancy dress parade, the return of the Burgh flag and Beating Retreat.
1513 was the battle of Flodden, I think? Sad defeat for the Scots at the hands of Henry VIII's armies.
posted by littlerobothead at 8:59 PM on August 30, 2008

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