How to print Safari browsing history from iphone?
September 22, 2014 3:27 PM   Subscribe

I would like to print out part of my Safari browsing history from my iPhone 4S.

I assume that there is a way to do this via an app or a series of apps, but don't know which or how. Please hope me.
posted by amro to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Get a notepad and a pen. Write the URLs in the notepad using the pen.

I'm not being facetious. Unless you jailbreak your device, that's how you do it. The iPhone OS does not allow apps access to each others' private data.
posted by kindall at 3:50 PM on September 22, 2014

Or take a screenshot/screenshots.
posted by mskyle at 3:52 PM on September 22, 2014

There is software that will help you do this. Google "export browsing history iphone" for examples.
posted by cecic at 4:39 PM on September 22, 2014 [1 favorite]

Yeah, as cecic said, there's software out there that will do this. I have PhoneView, and it makes it really easy to browse and print one's iOS Safari history. I'm sure there are a number of other apps out there that will also do this.
posted by mosk at 4:55 PM on September 22, 2014

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