Questions in the Computers & Internet category.
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May 20

What is the business card equivalent for these modern times?

I'm going to a business fair this week. I can give out business cards but don't people bump phones or something when want to pass on their contact details/bio nowadays? [more inside]
posted by run"monty at 2:50 PM - 14 answers

May 19

Windows equivalent of thesweetsetup?

Where do Windows people go to find app reviews and recommendations? I'm trying to find a decent pomodoro/clock app and they're pretty terrible, let alone a calendar app. Apple's walled garden and comparatively small selection made it easy to find decent UI and features, but with Windows, I'm at sea. Please recommend review sites you trust. I don't need specific app recommendations but sites. [more inside]
posted by dorothyisunderwood at 12:25 AM - 6 answers

May 18

Can someone explaining GPG/PKI/SSH signing?

I've been working with RPM-OSTree and it is a neat idea and I like the concept except the variant I'm using at least is additive only and not really immutable (e.g., no git reset --hard && git clean, granted it is an image file) due to limitations of the OS. It also does things line being additive only basically. For those unfamiliar it creates the OS and packages in a container, then creates a local commit. User overrides take precedence, and you can accidentally overwrite a package making the update procedure "break." But it does sign the original image artifacts, my question is there a way to basically verify signing history of an arbitrary object? I have a feeling I accidentally stumbled on what the whole blockchain thing was about. [more inside]
posted by geoff. at 6:53 PM - 4 answers

May 17

AI Catalog?

Is there a good site that gives an overview of current tools that use artificial intelligence? This would mean it would be updated regularly. I don't expect it to list all tools.
posted by NotLost at 8:35 AM - 7 answers

How do I proceed with this temp job and not overthink it?

Basically I’m out of work and used to do for lack of a better term FAANG style IT. If you’re processing 24 TB worth of transactions a day it is going to be easiest or the same price to build a data warehouse from the file system on up then force it on a vendor. Due to the economy I took a job where they have a couple of small 2 GB databases that were developed mid-90s. They never went to the cloud and just grew without a plan. This is only temporary, the person they had running it became sick and is retiring probably. They have a lot of transaction and performance based issues. I oddly don’t know SQL anymore, or the old way this was written. What are some tips to get me through this politically and how mid-90s SQL works? It is running on-premise on the latest addition of MS SQL. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:07 AM - 8 answers

May 16

Getting some writing done

What are my best options for a cloud-based service where I can do free-form writing and store it until I am ready to print it or submit it elsewhere? [more inside]
posted by thecaddy at 5:03 PM - 11 answers

How do I transfer all my files from one PC to another?

Two PC laptops, running Windows 7 and 10, I believe. I need to transfer all my old files from the one to the other. Easy, right? [more inside]
posted by music for skeletons at 8:02 AM - 13 answers

Software to figure out a viable schedule?

I'm organizing a thing. I have a list of workshop sessions with planned durations and people who need to participate in them. The list of participants is different for every session. I'm sure there is an app out there which will take this data and spit out a viable schedule, so that people are not scheduled for 3 different sessions at the same time - please help me find it!
posted by gakiko at 5:35 AM - 1 answers

May 14

Change Field of View on Webcam?

I'm trying to zoom in with my webcam (aka change my field of view) so that my whole room is not visible in conferences on Zoom / Teams / Google Meet. Is there no easy way to do this? [more inside]
posted by musofire at 4:35 PM - 14 answers

I installed a malware 5 minutes ago

Like a big dumbass. I have never had a virus or malware in my 40 years of computing I feel like a total idiot and my brain has instantly shut down. What's the best course of action re removing, I am changing my mail password from another computer as we speak, but I do also have 2-factor on it. Help fast please!
posted by Iteki at 11:36 AM - 8 answers

Cut and paste Scrivener help, please

I am new to Scrivener, and am trying to compose in it as I normally do in any Word or Office Libre document. That is, I cut a phrase/sentence and expect to paste it into another place by right-clicking. This isn't happening. The cut phrase seems to be entirely lost. What am I doing wrong, and how do I make it right?
posted by uans at 11:05 AM - 4 answers

I spy with my little eye, a gossiping person on Zoom

What can my company see me do on Zoom? [more inside]
posted by nouvelle-personne at 10:18 AM - 10 answers

May 13

Advice on migrating work email/calendar from google to outlook

My work is moving from google workspace for mail and calendar to microsoft outlook. I've not previously used outlook. What can I do to make the transition more smooth and to avoid common pitfalls? [more inside]
posted by medusa at 8:20 AM - 5 answers

Transcript from a recorded Zoom meeting?

Is there a way to get a transcript out of a recorded Zoom meeting? [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock at 7:34 AM - 5 answers

May 12

Mac-compatible Dot Matrix Printer?

I am looking for a new dot matrix printer that will work with my Apple computer. [more inside]
posted by Well I never at 9:42 AM - 6 answers

May 10

Linux laptop on a budget

I'm in the market for a new-to-me laptop. Budget $400. Must be Linux compatible. Used is fine. What do you recommend? [more inside]
posted by mr_bovis at 8:44 AM - 18 answers

Seeking dark, branching narrative website

I’m searching for a personal website I once visited but can’t seem to find again. Here are some key features I remember: Branching (AI-generated?) Narratives, with a unique timeline interface for moving through them at the bottom of the page; a dark, minimalist theme, with lots of gray; blog posts about AI and potentially literature. [more inside]
posted by matkline at 4:02 AM - 0 answers

May 9

Staining photos in Photoshop

Is there a way I can stain parts of an image in Photoshop? [more inside]
posted by pxe2000 at 6:06 PM - 3 answers

Filenames to folder names

I have a folder with a list of .txt files in it - file list example (imgur). I would like to create a folder for each file name and to name that folder after the filename. [more inside]
posted by unearthed at 3:18 PM - 7 answers

Sharing Passwords with a Contractor

I am working to make my business more marketable, so I've found someone who was recommended to me that does brand development and marketing. [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind at 12:22 PM - 7 answers

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