These questions have no answers yet.

May 17

How do I proceed with this temp job and not overthink it?

Basically I’m out of work and used to do for lack of a better term FAANG style IT. If you’re processing 24 TB worth of transactions a day it is going to be easiest or the same price to build a data warehouse from the file system on up then force it on a vendor. Due to the economy I took a job where they have a couple of small 2 GB databases that were developed mid-90s. They never went to the cloud and just grew without a plan. This is only temporary, the person they had running it became sick and is retiring probably. They have a lot of transaction and performance based issues. I oddly don’t know SQL anymore, or the old way this was written. What are some tips to get me through this politically and how mid-90s SQL works? It is running on-premise on the latest addition of MS SQL. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Computers & Internet at 5:07 AM - 0 answers

May 15

Get paid for your todo lists

Banking app for kids, such as Spriggy or Commonwealth Bank's Kit, have a function where kids can earn pocket money from their parents' bank accounts by completing tasks from a chore list. Is there a similar app but for adults? [more inside]
posted by creatrixtiara to Work & Money at 9:12 PM - 1 answer

Acupuncture recommendation on the Upper East Side of Manhattan

Hi! I’m looking for recommendations for an acupuncturist on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Thank you!
posted by DavidNYC to Health & Fitness at 11:24 AM - 0 answers

May 10

Seeking dark, branching narrative website

I’m searching for a personal website I once visited but can’t seem to find again. Here are some key features I remember: Branching (AI-generated?) Narratives, with a unique timeline interface for moving through them at the bottom of the page; a dark, minimalist theme, with lots of gray; blog posts about AI and potentially literature. [more inside]
posted by matkline to Computers & Internet at 4:02 AM - 0 answers

May 4

Proper iPhone Camera settings for recording bike ride?

I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a Peak Design Out Front Bike Mount. I recording one ride and turned on "action mode". It's very shakey, not at all smooth like I see in videos on YouTube. What settings should be on on the video? Thanks!
posted by dobbs to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 3:14 PM - 0 answers

April 25

looking for specific cat meme with off brand kitty

meme features photo of two cats. one, very sleek, put together, labeled “dr pepper” — the other, similar colors, but a bit scraggly, bruisery, labeled “dr thunder.” google image search has been fruitless! help!
posted by Gymnopedist to Computers & Internet at 10:09 PM - 0 answers

April 20

Korean Cooking Show

I'm trying to find a Korean cooking show I saw about 10 years ago and not having any luck finding anything via Google. I saw it on an Australian TV channel (don't remember which one - possibly it was SBS) but it was definitely filmed in Korea and the English title was something like "Cooking With Mrs Choi". [more inside]
posted by ninazer0 to Food & Drink at 1:31 AM - 0 answers

April 17

Process server near Clinch County/Fargo, GA?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a process server/private investigator who might be willing (and who is worth paying extra) to head that way? [more inside]
posted by SarekTu to Law & Government at 11:44 PM - 0 answers

March 28

LastPass - consolidate records with email vs. phone vs. username

LastPass creates duplicate records for websites or apps that allow you to log in with either your email, username, or in some cases phone number. I know it's possible to add additional form fields to each LastPass vault entry but the process is opaque. Can someone walk me through how to do this? Note: I am aware of the issues with LastPass, and this is not a question about whether or not I should use LastPass. [more inside]
posted by capricorn to Computers & Internet at 7:00 AM - 0 answers

March 26

Turn a poll into a live-updating bracket?

Is there a website/app that would allow me to set up and populate a tournament-style bracket (best candy bars, 80's baseball names, etc), and then have participants (either via website or app) pick the "winners" of each matchup via a live on-screen poll, and then pick the winners of each subsequent round to determine an ultimate winner? I'm picturing a similar setup to poll anywhere, where each participant votes on their phone and the results show up on the screen, updating a bracket as we go.
posted by ericbop to Technology at 12:55 PM - 0 answers

March 18

Class reunion planning sites/ apps: any recommendations?

High school reunion (USA). We have a planning committee and a Facebook group that includes more than a third of our class, but are shopping for an app/service with a few functions: [more inside]
posted by Sweetie Darling to Grab Bag at 3:15 PM - 0 answers

March 15

LegXercise feedback

Hi. If you use a LegXercise (or perhaps if someone in your household does), I'd be curious to know your thoughts about it. Specifically, how effective has it been in terms of building and strengthening leg muscles and improving circulation in the legs and feet? [more inside]
posted by DavidfromBA to Health & Fitness at 10:57 AM - 0 answers

March 13

Would a Glider *rocking* chair have any kind of benefit on the pelvis

Am trying to gauge whether or not a gliding chair that doesn't rock technically but moves forward/back, would have any kind of benefit (proven) on the pelvis. I know that a rocking chair would, in the sway of the arch movement. Gliding would seem to have more of an effect on the abdominal area. This is a question for those in the know. Thank you.
posted by watercarrier to Health & Fitness at 9:32 PM - 0 answers

March 6

Free alternative to skedda?

We have been using skedda but it is now costing us like 500 dollars a year to not even cover the amount of rooms we "need". I am looking to let people book rooms or parts of rooms. Difficulty: would love to have it so we can have user-groups. [more inside]
posted by Iteki to Computers & Internet at 4:29 AM - 0 answers

February 27

Do you love your Delaware accountant?

I registered for a new US branch of our small business in Delaware last year, and i need a CPA to file our taxes. Do you love your accountant? Please share your recs! [more inside]
posted by PardonMyFrench to Work & Money at 6:20 AM - 0 answers

February 16

Please recommend a durable and portable archery back stop netting.

If applicable, please add if you have used this and how long it lasted.
posted by Tziv to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 8:14 AM - 0 answers

February 13

Cute Tot Jeopardy Enthusiast?

So, I remember seeing a clip of a toddler in a living room yelling (along with Johnny Gilbert), something like DIS IS JEBADAHH!!, or similar, but it's not the child shown here. [more inside]
posted by taz to Grab Bag at 11:36 AM - 0 answers

January 31

Watchmen: the Annotations. Which are better?

I've just noticed DC released a deluxe version of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen, with annotations by Leslie S. Klinger. How do these annotations compare with those by Doug Atkinson, which have been available online since 1995?
posted by Rash to Grab Bag at 10:31 AM - 0 answers

January 12

Escrow service for small crowdfunding campaign

I want to run a crowdfunding campaign. I'd prefer to avoid the 8%+ fees associated with Indiegogo, Kickstarter, etc. I've found a couple of escrow services (Morningstar, Myloanweb) that seem like they might do this, but they have not responded to my inquiries. Any other options? [more inside]
posted by adamrice to Work & Money at 7:54 AM - 0 answers

January 4

Squishing hyperlinked whitespace in Google Docs

When drafting in Google Docs, it sometimes happens that I might unintentionally hyperlink a space before or after a word, as shown in this example screenshot. Apart from visually scanning text to try to catch these flubs manually, are there any tools I can use to squish these automatically? [more inside]
posted by DavidNYC to Computers & Internet at 4:50 PM - 1 answer

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