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Questions About Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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April 27, 2014
Off the beaten path in Saigon
I will be in HCMC for the next 48 hours (including Reunification Day.) Other than the obvious sites, what are some quirky and worthwhile things to do/see and places to eat in Saigon? Also what is the best place to go to witness the parades and holiday celebrations? [more inside]
February 6, 2007
Can I rent a Minsk in Saigon?
Can I rent a Minsk motorcycle in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam? [more inside]
November 24, 2006
Yay! Going to Vietnam!
Vietnam Travel: We'll arrive in Ho Chi Minh City next week and attend wedding ceremonies in Buon Ma Thuot and Quang Ngai. What to do, where to go, how to behave? [more inside]