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Questions About Doha, Qatar
Displaying 1 through 3. Subscribe: Ask MetaFitler Questions Around Doha, Qatar

July 30, 2012

Doha during Ramadan?

Have a LONG layover in Doha tomorrow (Tuesday) and just realized it's Ramadan. What's there to do if I get out of the airport and explore? [more inside]
posted by myntu around Doha, Qatar at 3:41 AM - 2 answers

October 22, 2011

Qatar Travel 101

Visiting Qatar. I need a crash course in everything a visitor needs to know, ideally from someone who's been or lives there. [more inside]
posted by Unsomnambulist around Doha, Qatar at 12:16 AM - 7 answers

September 6, 2011

Things to do & see in Doha?

Looking for suggestions on things to do, places to see, restaurants to try, etc. while I'm living and working in Doha, Qatar for a month. [more inside]
posted by hootenatty around Doha, Qatar at 6:23 AM - 2 answers