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Questions About Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
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July 28, 2017

Would you go to Playa Del Carmen?

We booked a vacation to Playa Del Carmen and recent news is making me want to cancel. Have you been to Playa Del Carmen in the past month (July)? Anywhere else in the area you'd recommend for a family? Experiences, suggestions and/or reassurances needed! [more inside]
posted by biscuits around Playa Del Carmen, Mexico at 4:51 PM - 8 answers

February 23, 2015

Please tell me about driving & grocery shopping on the Mayan Riviera

In a couple of weeks we're visiting the Mayan Riviera for the 4th time. But it's the first time we're renting a car. What do I need to know about driving along the highway between Cancun airport and Tulum? And where are the best places to get groceries? [more inside]
posted by valleys around Playa Del Carmen, Mexico at 12:31 PM - 10 answers has best

November 9, 2014

Mexico Vacation Rental: please help me not get scammed

I am trying to rent an apartment for a month in Playa del Carmen through a website that I found on google. Lets say it's called (I can name the actual website if it's relevant). So far, I have been getting very professional responses with all my questions properly answered. The issue is that the agent is now asking for the full month of rent ($2500) plus $1000 deposit 30 days before my arrival. This is raising a bunch of red flags for me. Is this common or am I being scammed? Should I refuse and only pay the deposit? Is this such a big red flag that I I should walk away?
posted by lenny70 around Playa Del Carmen, Mexico at 12:29 PM - 12 answers has best

July 21, 2010

Playa Del Carmen recommendations?

What to do in and around Playa Del Carmen, Mexico? [more inside]
posted by haveanicesummer around Playa Del Carmen, Mexico at 12:07 PM - 8 answers

August 9, 2008

Playa Del Carmen

Playa Del Carmen for late September 20th through 27th, 2008. I read the past posts and wonder if any fellow Mefites have any suggestions for cheap accomodations, and places I should not miss. Also since you have to fly into CanCun, what do you recommend for the best way to get there(besides rental cars).Thanks. [more inside]
posted by highgene around Playa Del Carmen, Mexico at 2:27 AM - 11 answers