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Questions About Sauternes, France
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April 2, 2012

Paris to Sauternes and back

I have to be in Paris for an academic conference on May 31 to June 1st. On June 2nd, there's a marathon in Sauternes, which appears to be about 6-7 hours south-west of Paris by car. My question is (1) having never been to France, and never traveled around Europe except by train and since college, can I get from Paris to Sauternes in time to run the race at 8:30am the next morning realistically? And (2) can you help me logistically plan this ahead of time so that it minimizes risk of getting lost, missing the race, and spending a lot of money? I will be flying out of Paris, fyi, and haven't booked any flights yet.
posted by scunning around Sauternes, France at 2:36 PM - 10 answers has best