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Questions About China
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May 23, 2014
Beijing-Bound Exec Needs "Activity" for Business Group
I'm attempting to plan a trip for an executive I'm supporting in a temp role, and if all goes well, I may get to keep the job. The guy is going to Beijing in the fall and will spend one night entertaining a group of Chinese executives. I need to plan the entertainment. Where do I send them? [more inside]
April 2, 2014
How to deal with air pollution in Beijing?
I am heading to Beijing this month where the air pollution is notoriously apalling. Yesterday the air quality index reached a level which was double the level at which Salt Lake City doctors recently declared as a healthy emergency. Earlier this year it reached a level which was double that again. Does anyone have any tips about how to deal with this? Is there any evidence those face masks actually help? Any other contraptions or medication that help ward off the effects? I certainly won't be jogging outside.
March 20, 2014
What to know before moving to China?
What should I know before moving to China? I'm moving to Beijing in two weeks and all housing/money/visa issues are fully taken care of but I feel like there's something I'm forgetting. What is that one thing you forgot you needed before leaving? [more inside]
November 14, 2013
Help me make the most of a trip to China
I'm psyched because I'm planning to go on a volunteer trip to Guangdong, China in March. However, I'm going alone (will be meeting a group there) and I would like to do some brief independent travel while I'm in the country. More details below the fold. [more inside]
September 7, 2013
How to prevent exhaustionand jetlag during constant travel?
I am travelling to China from USA, then visiting 4 cities in 10 days, mostly by plane and night train. I know there have been many posts similar to this, but I want to go more in depth in how to prevent exhaustion during constant travel. [more inside]
September 3, 2013
How many steps to China?
A question about business travel and visas [more inside]
August 9, 2013
Experience with China Focus tours?
My wife and I are considering a tour with China Focus. Does anyone have comments, positive or negative, about their tours? [more inside]
July 24, 2013
Quick Mandarin Translation Help.
I have a 10" video with sub-titles that I would love a Mandarin speaker to tell me if they're correct or not. [more inside]
July 12, 2013
How can I find the cheapest flight destinations from Guangzhou China?
I want to travel with my SO to any foreign country that I haven't yet been to. Is there any website or way to search for any international destination originating from Guangzhou China and sort by price? I'd also be up for last minute deals, and a HUGE bonus would be if we could have a several day "stop over" in a transfer city. Any other tips or ideas for cheap international travel originating in China will be helpful. (We are already aware of the train to hanoi, and train to Lhasa Tibet)
June 11, 2013
Flying to China in a month.what next?
Iam going to china for the first time and meeting a freind over there. I will be arriving in shanghai mid july and staying for about 2 weeks. While we are there, I would like to travel around china with my friend on either guided or on a whim.
does anybody have any experience with any of the tours or guides. Any recommendation on travel would be helpful.
March 13, 2013
Help me calm anxiety about travel to China.
I am travelling to China from Canada in the near future. I have hundreds of questions and concerns but mostly just need reassurance that I'm not forgetting anything. Bonus, what should I do for carry-on? [more inside]
February 1, 2013
Scholar trying to get Chinese visa for academic conference on religion
I'm from the U.S. and I've been invited to an academic conference on "Religion in Modern Society" at a university in PRC. I need a visa. [more inside]
January 8, 2013
Recommendation for a guided tour in Beijing?
I have a free day in Beijing in March and am looking for recommendations for a guided tour. Can you help? [more inside]
December 19, 2012
Things to do in Shanghai Jan/Feb
Going to Shanghai for the first time for three weeks in Jan/Feb. Where should I go/eat/do? [more inside]
September 9, 2012
Beijing Stopover
Where can I sleep, at Beijing Airport (or near by), during the day, with my two kids, without breaking the bank? [more inside]
August 21, 2012
How can I become expert at distinguishing a person's home province in China, based on their speech patterns?
How can I become expert at distinguishing a person's home province in China, based on their speech patterns (accent)? [more inside]
June 19, 2012
Things to do in Urumqi when you're dead
What is there to do in Urumqi in the next few days on a restricted budget and with limited local language skills? [more inside]
June 18, 2012
China visa woes.
I am traveling to China on July 17th to teach English to academics, having been invited by a college there. I'm applying for a Business F visa. Co-travelers have successfully received their visas through consulate X. Consulate Y is telling our agency that we need two letters, but the requirements for an "F" visa clearly state that one will suffice. It gets worse. [more inside]
May 29, 2012
What do I ned to know about Shanghai?
I may be going to Shanghai for a couple of weeks later this year. I do not speak the language, my partner has food allergies. What preparations can I make? [more inside]
January 11, 2012
Tips for China?
I'm going to China for a year to teach English. Any advice? [more inside]