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Questions About Newfoundland and Labrador
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August 1, 2014
Which neighbourhood in St. John's Newfoundland should we live in?
My partner and I are moving to St. John's to start PhD programs this month. Where is the best part of town to rent a house with trees, access to hiking trails, but with a maximum 30-40 minute walk to MUN? [more inside]
January 16, 2014
Tell Me About Newfoundland
I am considering taking a week's vacation in Newfoundland in late May and I have questions about it. [more inside]
January 4, 2013
How to Walk across the Rock?
Is it possible to walk across Newfoundland in 3 weeks? [more inside]
May 5, 2009
What are some must-see things in the Eastern part of Newfoundland?
What are some must-see things in the Eastern part of Newfoundland? [more inside]
March 10, 2008
Off to the Tropical Island of Newfoundland!
Planning a trip to Atlantic Canada in June. What should we get around and what should do once we're there? [more inside]
December 22, 2007
Stuck in Winter, Canada for Christmas. Help?
Stuck in Winterland, Canada for Christmas. Help? [more inside]