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Questions About Florianopolis, Brazil
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August 11, 2013
Where to stay in Florianopolis
My lovely wife is going to a conference held at UFSC in Florianopolis for 4 days in September. Where should she stay? [more inside]
May 4, 2013
Floripa Calling!
Two of my life dreams are to speak Portuguese fluently and to learn to surf. VOILA~~ I was invited for a professional exchange in Florianopolis, Brazil, and am over the moon! Can you help me 1) decide which months to arrive 2) make an initial plan for housing and transport, and 3) suggest volunteer conservation efforts for my partner? [more inside]
January 27, 2013
Tips and Recommendations for visiting the Pantanal
I'm planning to visit the Pantanal wetlands later this year. Do you have any tips or recommendations for activities and tour companies? [more inside]