long-lost children's book about a bear who learns to be self-reliant?
September 2, 2004 2:53 AM   Subscribe

Librarians, parents, readers, ex-kids: can any of you help me remember a long-lost children's book about a bear who learns to be self-reliant?

The bear in question is named Jo-Bear. He's got a best friend, Clarence, who I think is a rabbit. Jo-Bear gets lost in the woods and figures out how to feed and shelter himself. The last page of the book is an illustration of him sitting on top of a hill, from which he can see his house, his school, and his friends. I think it's by an American author, probably written in the 70s, and with all I remember about it you'd think I could find it. But it's been years and no one can tell me the name of this book.
posted by melissa may to Media & Arts (7 answers total)
It's not "Fuzzy Joe Bear," is it? What age kids was the book geared towards?
posted by gluechunk at 3:54 AM on September 2, 2004

Response by poster: No, thanks for asking, but it wasn't "Fuzzy Joe Bear" -- it had a more "serious" title than that, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it was. I'd say it was meant for ages 8 and up.

I just remembered something else: On the last page, there's an illustration of him sitting on a hill, shouting something like "I am Jo-Bear! The only thing I absolutely, positively need is ME!" like an ursine Howard Roark. The illustrations throughout fill the entire pages, with the text flowed in underneath or to the side.
posted by melissa may at 10:15 AM on September 2, 2004

Best answer: I believe that the book in question is "Where Do I Belong?" written by Jean M. Craig.

Brad, the friendly Youth Services Librarian
posted by bradth27 at 10:28 AM on September 2, 2004

If you're not sure if that's the book, here's a link to an illustration from the 1971 edition. Maybe that will help you decide if it is "the one."
posted by bradth27 at 10:42 AM on September 2, 2004

Response by poster: Brad, you dear friendly librarian: I just googled her name and checked Amazon, and couldn't find an image or more information, but the moment I read the title, I knew you were right. Honestly, this means a lot to me, and you wouldn't believe the number of other librarians I've asked who didn't know. Thanks so, so much.
posted by melissa may at 10:43 AM on September 2, 2004

Response by poster: Brad: the image supports your theory, and you've made me so happy.
posted by melissa may at 10:47 AM on September 2, 2004

no problem! It's sometimes nice to use some of this "useless" stuff in my head.
posted by bradth27 at 12:47 PM on September 2, 2004

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