which olympics was it?
August 7, 2008 5:47 PM   Subscribe

looking for a video of a past olympics... where the history is recounted...

i thought it was greece, but can't find a video. in one of the past opening ceremonies they recounted the modern history of the olympics and right after the world wars moments, the torch apparently fell - symbolically. which olympics was this? in the latter part of this history recounting a female runner was the sole person on the track to an amazing cheer - i recall the announcer stating that this particular runner was well known for a very outlandish style of running that should not have worked in her favor, and yet she won medals and became her nation's sweetheart. i'd like to see this history recounting again, anyone know which olympics it was? i'm hoping to rewatch it. (greece was amazing by the way, definitely a wow moment)
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