Eyes wide shut
July 17, 2008 1:11 AM   Subscribe

I seem to be incapable of posing for a photograph without blinking! What to do?

In most photos, my eyes will be completely closed, but occasionally I will manage to pull off a very unfetching narrowed eyes look.

I currently deal with this problem by pathetically begging the person behind the camera not to use the flash (with mixed results).

I don't want to be the token dorkus malorkus in all my friends' photo collections forever! Do any professional photographers or reformed blinkers have any tips?
posted by madforplaid to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Close your eyes before the photo is taken. Keep them closed (in a relaxed way, not pinched shut) while your friend counts to three, then open them at the exact moment the picture is being taken.
posted by amyms at 1:18 AM on July 17, 2008

Best answer: i was a portrait studio worker (and manager) for almost ten years and here's the foolproof way to keep your eyes open...

close your eyes until RIGHT before the shot. your eyes will look brighter, they'll be open, they won't look strained or forced. and for an added bonus, for most people it's easier to get a natural looking, good picture smile if they can have a second with their eyes closed to get that "moment" ready.

this tip also works pretty well for people with one eye slightly bigger than the other, it evens them out some (for those people, know that it's thought to be a sign of intelligence and strong brain work and shows up more in left handers, like me!)
posted by nadawi at 1:20 AM on July 17, 2008 [4 favorites]

amyms! i'm following you around tonight it seems. my verbosity is keeping me at second fiddle, i'm afraid.
posted by nadawi at 1:20 AM on July 17, 2008

One could try to have two cameras go off at almost the same time, a dummy flash, then the real one. Might trick you. The practicality of this eludes me though.
posted by OwlBoy at 1:52 AM on July 17, 2008

Nadawi - Thanks for the great tip and also the interesting bit about people with one eye bigger than another. One of my eyes is like this, and I've just thought of it as being my "bug eye". Now I can think of it as a sign of intelligence and strong brain work! (I use perspective to work with it - tilting my head such that the smaller eye is a little closer to the camera - this helps.)
posted by extrabox at 4:43 AM on July 17, 2008

The eyes closed before the photo is taken method is also a fantastic way to take group/portrait photos in very sunny conditions, since when the photo is taken, no-one is squinting against the sun.
posted by Static Vagabond at 6:33 AM on July 17, 2008

Response by poster: Thanks so much for the helpful tips, they work!
posted by madforplaid at 4:12 AM on August 6, 2008

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