Help me find a good rubik's cube
December 26, 2007 11:02 PM   Subscribe

What high quality Rubik's Cube can you recommend?

I'm looking for a decent Rubik's Cube for myself. Ones I've owned in the past were stiff and broke after a a few months. I'd like a solidly built one that will last a while (obviously stickers will eventually peel off no matter what). Anyone know of a good one?
posted by Autarky to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
what screams quality like "1982 bulgarian rubik's cube"?

rubik's magic cube diversion
posted by camdan at 11:12 PM on December 26, 2007

As long as you're not trying to become a world-class speed cuber, the common Rubik's cubes you can get at, say, Toys-R-Us, are actually not bad. What's more important is what you do to it after you buy it.

If it's stiff, add lubrication of some kind. Some folks recommend silicon spray, though I don't recall having much success with that. After it's been lubricated and you've used it a lot, the plastic wears down and makes it much easier to use.

If you're concerned about stickers peeling off, go ahead and take them off (I'd recommend doing this anyway). After you get the stickers and the stickum residue off the cube, you can buy tape as a replacement. I remember getting a multi-color box of tape rolls at Target, some kind of electrical tape I believe.

If you are aiming for the top, has some strong opinions on the topic and some suggestions on which cubes to get.
posted by sellout at 1:13 AM on December 27, 2007 [1 favorite]

My friend just sent me this but I'm not sure how to get my hands on one yet:
posted by codybaldwin at 11:38 AM on December 27, 2007

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