Help me find Zip and Ted
July 12, 2007 4:51 AM   Subscribe

I learned to read with children's books featuring Zip and Ted (tad?). Help me find them again, please!

When I was just learning to read (~1980), I liked a series of books about some sort of amphibians. One character's name was Zip. The other one I think was named Ted, but it might have been Tad, or it might have been something else. So far Amazon and Google have not come through for me. Does this ring any bells for anyone else?
posted by leahwrenn to Writing & Language (11 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The only thing that comes to mind are Frog and Toad.

Was this in the US?
posted by gregvr at 5:18 AM on July 12, 2007

Response by poster: It was in the US. Near as I can tell, I think Frog and Toad are a little more advanced---the ones I was thinking about were about at the "See Spot. See Spot run" level.
posted by leahwrenn at 5:28 AM on July 12, 2007

Here there's a quick mention of a book called Pud, Zip and Tad - could that be it? It goes to a MySpace page with sound and bad art and Napolean Dynamite animated gifs. You have been warned.

Also, on (you need to be registered to see), there are these two comments:

Oh yeah, once I read: *Clifford,*Curious George visits the zoo,*Pud/Zip/& Tad,... all the way through!


PS, Doesn't "anyone" remember Pud, Zip, & Tad,...(the 3 toads?)
posted by iconomy at 6:11 AM on July 12, 2007

Yes, my 7yrold daughter brought this book home during the school year to read as a daily book. Unfortunately I don't recall the exact name of the book. :( There were frogs and Tad was a dog, IIRC. They all jumped into a pond. I think the book was probably from the 1960s. The copy we read had seen better days. I tried searching on for it, but Amazon doesn't seem to have a record of it.
posted by cass at 8:44 AM on July 12, 2007

This is kind of a long shot, but do the creatures on this cover (Tad Goes Shopping) look right?
posted by Margalo Epps at 4:47 PM on July 21, 2007

Response by poster: Unfortunately, that doesn't look quite right---I think it's just LeapFrog trying to use frog-themed characters.
posted by leahwrenn at 6:40 PM on July 21, 2007

Ok, I hope this helps. Zip, Pud , Tad, 3 frogs that hung out in a big pond. Tuggy was the dog and Pepper was the cat. I think the author was Stratemeyer, Clara G; Henry Lee Smith Jr Harper Row New York, NY . I cannot remember the title of the book from 34 years ago, but my memory is better than most. I found this out because I need to quote this source in one of my college papers. Yuck. Good luck, and I hope this helps.
posted by lawman1646 at 5:06 PM on July 23, 2007

Best answer: Ok, try the title Frog Fun by Stratemeyer, Clara G; Henry Lee Smith Jr Harper Row New York, NY . I think that is it. Good luck and god bless.
posted by lawman1646 at 5:17 PM on July 23, 2007 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks! Now if only I could find a copy for less than $50...
posted by leahwrenn at 6:58 AM on September 4, 2007

Ebay? Sometimes has used books. It seems to be a Western NY used book, so maybe older book stores? Just a few ideas.
posted by lawman1646 at 5:05 PM on September 11, 2007

Try ebay #330163026439, it is about tuggy the dog, same series and author, same grade level. If you look on ebay, sometimes it is good just to use the authors last name and see what books pop up, often they are miss-named. I remember reading this one after zip pudd and tad. Pepper the cat probably used all 9 lives by now. Let me know how it turns out.
posted by lawman1646 at 5:11 PM on September 11, 2007

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