How can I get into the other big convention in Vegas (not CES)
January 4, 2007 6:51 PM   Subscribe

Yeah, I'm going to be in vegas for CES. I have Thurs free. I think I'd like to go to the AVN event....but...

Yeah, I'm going to be in vegas for CES. I have Thurs free. I think I'd like to go to the AVN event....but...

I only have thursday free. The first day is a trade only day.

I was hoping that anyone would have advice about how to get a trade ticket. I'm in the media sector, but not that part of the industry. Can I just sign up?

And if I go, what will it be like?
posted by Towelie to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total)
The website says that Wednesday is the 1st day and that from 2-6 PM on Thursday there are fan hours.
posted by white_devil at 7:18 PM on January 4, 2007

I highly suggest reading the David Foster Wallace essay "The Big Red Son", contained in the collection Consider the Lobster.

It's an account of him covering the AVN awards on assigment for Variety magazine. It is hilarious, eye-opening, insightful, etc. etc.
posted by Roach at 8:19 PM on January 4, 2007

i went to avn last year - it was at the venetian, right across from ces. i only made it the last night (awards ceremony), and let me tell you, it was great. im still telling people about it.

you can register here for trade, and here's their overall website.
posted by phaedon at 8:49 PM on January 4, 2007 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: white_devil - On thurs, it'll be in the morning, as I have to get on a plane late afternoon.

Is there an advantage to going as a member of trade?

Phaedon, what do you tell people about it?
posted by Towelie at 11:23 PM on January 4, 2007

Judging from the one time I went to the CES, I can't imagine you possibly having any problem at all. There were scantily clad ladies from the AVN expo standing outside the CES, handing out passes to anybody who would care to stop and say hi.
posted by kaseijin at 5:54 AM on January 5, 2007

Call the number and ask what qualifies one to enter on trade days. 1-888-421-1107 Then, post here so I can see if I can get in on that instead of just going to fan hours like I am now. :)
posted by Spoonman at 7:26 AM on January 5, 2007

sorry for the late response. avn is what you make of it. im hardly a porn conneisseur, and got a ticket at the last minute (i was in vegas, my friend got sick and decided not to go). the awards ceremony was relatively formal, but the crowd was relaxed and very nice. i sat at the table next to larry flynt, who donned a goldplated wheelchair. tables are generally reserved by organization, so you may or may not sit with people you know. i saw a lot of famous porn stars, and everybody was drunk and having a good time.
posted by phaedon at 10:21 PM on January 5, 2007

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