How can I convert a JFC flashcard to a KingKanji flashcard?
October 9, 2006 3:59 PM   Subscribe

How can I convert a JFC flashcard to a KingKanji flashcard?

I have the JFC software with tons of awesome flashcards.
The format is like this:

お名前は? おなまえは? May I have your name?
初めまして。 はじめまして。 How do you do? (lit. I am meeting you for the first time.)

However, I'd like to have them all in this format, kingkanji (euc encoding):
º®¤à [¤³¤à] /be crowded/be packed/
²¡¤¹ [¤ª¤¹] /push/press/thrust/shove/compress/
Åú¤¨ [¤³¤¿¤¨] /answer/
posted by PowerCat to Writing & Language (3 answers total)
what character set is the original JFC file in - UTF8?
posted by kamelhoecker at 5:54 PM on October 9, 2006

If you know any decent script language (perl, php, python), this seems like a perfect things for such a tool. Read in from one file (with a particular encoding), write out to another file (with a different encoding).

Or, you might be able to open it up in JWPce (which I'm guessing you would have too, since it's the same guy), do some clever search/replaces to change the "space" separators between the fields with the various forms of brackets (or use a UTF-8 capable text editor like VIM and do more complicated macro updates). Then, have JWPce save it as EUC.

kamelhoecker (nice nick!): the op will have to correct this, but I think JFC allows EUC or UTF-8.
posted by R343L at 6:52 PM on October 9, 2006

R343L: heh, ya i'm an old perl hacker. so i too was going to whip off a regexp for this when i realized in addition to the encoding issue — the file formats didn't make sense. (no separator between question and answer??)
posted by kamelhoecker at 9:12 PM on October 11, 2006

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