Wanted: magazine or website for fans of treasure hunts.
January 10, 2025 6:04 AM   Subscribe

I'm thinking here of hunts which require an element of both puzzle solving and expeditions to go out searching in the real world. Where can I go to read about hunts like these, plus news and discussions relevant to the hobby?
posted by Paul Slade to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (9 answers total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
Maybe the Puzzles wiki?
posted by BungaDunga at 8:00 AM on January 10 [1 favorite]

Geocaching puzzle caches is a perfect example of this and might help searching. There is no shortage of blogs, YouTubes etc.
posted by chasles at 8:14 AM on January 10

Treasure Hunt Cache (index of current and recent games)

Mysterious Writings forum

The Incredible Hunt

(I went digging into this question a few months ago thanks to this post!)
posted by Why Is The World In Love Again? at 8:40 AM on January 10

I think a good site to keep an eye on is Adrian Hon’s blog mssv, which focuses on ARGs and LARP; it’s mostly kind of orthogonal to what you want but there are few people with more knowledge of the history of large-scale games. Hon is a mefite, too.
posted by bcwinters at 8:45 AM on January 10

This book just came out a few months ago: There's Treasure Inside - the author hid a bunch of small treasure boxes across the United States, and the book is full of clues.
posted by Unsomnambulist at 9:16 AM on January 10

I second geocaching.
posted by beccaj at 1:03 PM on January 10

If ARGs count, ARGnet is still around, but as I'm no longer familiar with that world, I don't know if it's still one of the places to go.
posted by stormyteal at 5:08 PM on January 10

Before there was geocaching, there was letterboxing. You're given directions to a hidden box, and in the best cases, those directions are puzzles. On this site, you can filter to boxes whose directions are puzzles. This is the other main site.

When you find the box, instead of taking a little object and leaving one, like in geocaching, the box will have a booklet and a stamp. If you bring your own booklet and stamp, you can stamp your stamp in the box's book, and the box's stamp in yours. So the box ends up with a record of all the visitors that have found it, and you end up with a record of all the boxes you've found. (Hand-carving stamps is fun, easy, and preferred!)
posted by daisyace at 6:54 PM on January 10

Este's Quest is running right now, a hunt for a gold coin hidden in the California desert.
posted by RisforKickin at 7:16 PM on January 10

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