git[ting] gud at 3D platformers, Roblox edition
May 28, 2024 7:54 AM   Subscribe

One way my son wants to connect with me is by playing Roblox with me- specifically, "tower" games like Juke's Towers of Hell and Tower World. Problem: so far, I am really bad at 3D platforming and the games' difficulty curves seem more like difficulty cliffs. Are there essential 3D platforming tips, or maybe a short curriculum of games (especially but not limited to games within Roblox) I can use to level up?

Just for reference, I grew up with the NES and SNES, and my console gaming experience mostly ended with roommates that had an N64. Super Mario 64 was the last 3D platformer I got anywhere with.

I'm not inexperienced with platforming games in general, but I am certainly less in my element with 3D games (*yells at clouds*). I have a feeling that a key difficulty I have (especially with Roblox) is figuring out camera control. While we play, my son tells me to press shift, but the effect of shift seems to be temporary or something?

Also, I'm really busy at work with a couple massive deadlines looming over me later this year, so if there's a simple, magical trick that will git me gud then that would be best of all.

Please advise.
posted by a faded photo of their beloved to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Unfortunately, I don't see any shortcuts in your future. That's because platformers know they need to "pace" themselves lest they overwhelm the players, so initially, you get just basic controls. After a few levels, they give you a new toy, like double-jump, then another few levels, you get "wall bounce" (jump from wall to wall to ascend between two vertical surfaces) and so on. You get the idea...

And every platformer is a unique mix between the different elements. Some are about precision jump, some are about the run-up, some are about the boss fights...

There is no "universal" platform training assets, because every game *is* different. I'm afraid you just have to MAKE some time to practice in that game...
posted by kschang at 10:27 AM on May 28

Roblox exists on multiple platforms, so one thing could be to figure out which platform + control method works best for you (iOS onscreen controls? XBox gamepad? PC keyboard + mouse? etc.)

...also, an older couple near me play Roblox with their grandkids, and apparently one thing that helps them is that ONE of them runs the controls, while the OTHER runs the voice interaction, so that they're not multitasking quite so much and the controller-person can just focus on making the jumps, while the other is making smalltalk, acting in-character, and so on.

(Also, and this is terrible, but: many of these "games" have cheats that can be purchased using in-game currency. You may want to quietly spend a few bucks to give yourself an advantage)
posted by aramaic at 10:48 AM on May 28

Maybe try a game like Portal or Portal 2? You can move at your own pace through the levels and it should teach you how to move around and rotate the camera. I personally think that Portal 2 is more beginner-friendly but YMMV of course! (i am partial to using a gamepad for 3D platformers usually, instead of kb/m, FWIW)
posted by capnsue at 12:10 PM on May 28

Thinking slightly out of the blox… would your son possibly enjoy being the Skilled One giving Advice?
posted by clew at 7:44 PM on May 29 [1 favorite]

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