How to download campaign creative assets from Google Ads
May 23, 2024 5:25 AM   Subscribe

Non-technical management people want to see all campaign creatives for over 200 campaigns. I am hoping there is a way to generate this that is not manual. Anonymous since my manager may want me to spend 100s of hours doing this as busywork.

I need to create a document that has all my Google campaigns' creative assets: Headlines, descriptions, images, etc. I don't need any data about campaign performance or any of the granular campaign measurement options, I simply need to be able to have a document to present to non-technical people so that they can see what our campaigns look like.

I have over 100 campaigns to work with and need to put all this info into one concise document. Most of the campaigns were created before I worked here, so I don't have any documentation from when they were produced.

Is there a way to do this in Google Ads Editor that doesn't result in an Excel spreadsheet with hundreds of rows of data for each campaign? Or is there a way within Google Ads insights and reports?
posted by anonymous to Computers & Internet
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