Travel with kid: stopping places between NYC and Baltimore
June 24, 2023 9:35 AM   Subscribe

We will be driving from NYC to Baltimore on an upcoming holiday weekend and will need to stop to let the kid out of the car to run around. Where should we stop?

My seven year old kid is extremely ADHD and needs to get out of the car every 1-1.5 hours so he and the other car occupants don't lose it.

Added levels of difficulty:
we are COVID-averse and while we will do inside things with masks, that isn't an option on this particular trip for various reasons. Please do not suggest inside activities.
I'd like to avoid doing things in intervening cities as I don't want to deal with adding finding parking to our to do list.
Some of the people on the trip have mobility issues - all can walk but rocky, uneven or hilly terrain can be challenging over more than short distances.

Ideal stopping spots: good playgrounds, good parks with rocks to climb on or something in that vein, gardens, great ice cream stands, visitable farms, bike/multiuse paths that are fun to walk along, beaches, lakes, etc.
posted by sciencegeek to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Broad answer:

Princeton, NJ is about 60 miles out of NYC

Wilmington, DE is about 60 miles from Princeton

Baltimore is about another 60 miles from Wilmington.

Princeton and Wilmington both have tons of things for people of all ages.
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 1:15 PM on June 24, 2023

(Sorry, hit post too quickly: Princeton and Wilmington both have tons of things for people of all ages. If that generally works as a plan, we can come up with suggestions for both cities that meet your criteria.)
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 1:17 PM on June 24, 2023

Response by poster: Not looking for stuff in cities. Or specific mile distances.

I can’t predict exactly when the kid will need us to stop.
posted by sciencegeek at 7:13 PM on June 24, 2023

Grounds for Sculpture near Trenton is a large sculpture garden that is quite flat. Winterthur in Wilmington is an old estate with lots of trails and some fields.
posted by knile at 6:09 AM on June 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

Havre de Grace in northern Maryland is more town than city, although parking very near downtown can be challenging, depending on when you're there. It has some parks, a waterfront area and a walkable downtown. And a well-reviewed ice cream shop.

I haven't been there, but Susquehanna State Park is near Havre de Grace. The Greenway Trail is listed as accessible up near the northern part of the river front area of the park.
posted by EvaDestruction at 8:56 AM on June 25, 2023

Iron Hill Park and Rittenhouse Park are Newark DE options, but it’s been a while since we’ve been there.
posted by childofTethys at 9:17 AM on June 25, 2023

Are you driving down I-95? Most of the interesting places will be at least a 10 minute drive from the exit, in my recollection, and perhaps longer, e.g. Core Creek Park or Grounds for Sculpture or Morris Arboretum (Univ of Pennsylvania). Also how long do you want the kiddo to run around? If you only need a 20 minute break then driving that same amount to get to the destination probably isn't a great idea. As a back up, perhaps just keep all the rest stops in mind. Most have picnic areas and a grassy area.
posted by spamandkimchi at 6:15 PM on June 25, 2023

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