Caption services for online course videos?
January 7, 2022 8:14 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for a caption service that will allow me to have captions on course videos. Free would be nice, but it's not a dealbreaker if it isn't.

I am working with a friend who runs a business that focuses on public speaking courses for women. Her aim to enourage confidence, visibility, and empowerment within her client base. (She's a huge Mary Beard fan.) She has asked me to help out with finding a caption service that she can use for her course videos. As I said above, free is nice but not necessary. She'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount for this service as it's something she will need for her business.

I can piggyback on this for myself as I am also venturing into a parallel business as a cannabis coach and would love to also have this an option for online workshops because of COVID.

It's my understanding that these would be downloadable for the client's private use. Any social media captioning I believe she has covered (TikTok and IG Stories seem to have this functionality, and while spotty, it's okay, but I'll take recommendations in case y'all have heard of something better.) Think of when you take an online course with video material. That's the sort of thing we're looking to caption for her and eventually for myself.

TIA, my friends!
posted by Kitteh to Writing & Language (6 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: Addendum: if you also know of excellent transcriptions services for podcasts, I'd also appreciate that info too. This is what I get for not proofreading before I hit Post!
posted by Kitteh at 8:16 AM on January 7, 2022

Zoom does transcription and captioning. You need a business license, $200/year.
posted by mr_roboto at 8:36 AM on January 7, 2022

Best answer:, 600 minutes of transcription free very month. It's AI based, so no human, but claims high accuracy.
posted by kschang at 8:41 AM on January 7, 2022 [1 favorite]

Best answer: I pay Keffy R. M. Kehrli to transcribe audio for me.
posted by brainwane at 8:59 AM on January 7, 2022 [1 favorite]

Best answer: I have used Happy Scribe intermittently for several years for one-off transcriptions of audio files (a few in 2018, some in 2019, and a few more in 2021). It works great and you can buy the services in short increments. It seems like every time I use it again it's better at the UI for the inevitable adjustments one wants to make. I always export to txt file but it has multiple formats. It does look like they now do captioning though I have not used that service. Bottom line looks like $12/hour of transcription with price adjustments for your specific case.
posted by artlung at 9:16 AM on January 7, 2022 [1 favorite]

To actually caption video files (but not transcribe them), there's CADET (Caption And Description Editing Tool), built by WGBH. It's free:

CADET is free, downloadable caption-authoring software that enables anyone to produce high-quality caption files that are compatible with any media player that supports the display of captions. CADET can also be used to generate audio-description scripts. CADET does not require an internet connection in order to operate: it runs locally in any Web browser, so users do not need to upload private videos or proprietary content to servers or video-hosting sites in order to create captions.
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 8:58 AM on February 5, 2022 [1 favorite]

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