Becoming a Sports Fan
November 11, 2020 1:40 PM   Subscribe

I want to enjoy watching sports, because it seems like a fun and social way to escape from the world for an hour or two at a time. But I can't seem to enjoy it. What's a good way into sports fandom?

The only sport that I've really enjoyed in the past has been ice skating, but I'd like something where there are teams and where the winner and loser aren't determined by (subjective) judges.

The things I liked about it were that the women were the stars of the show, it was visually lovely to watch (loved the costumes, music, choreography), it didn't feel like "big business," and the athleticism was so impressive. Once I got a feel for what feats were especially difficult or impressive and "got to know" the skaters, it was much more fun to watch. I assume that's the same for all sports.

I have tried to get into basketball and even made a New Year's resolution about it a year or two ago, but even though sometimes watching a game is fun, I get bored and can't quite get into it. What would be a good entry point into women's basketball and/or the WNBA?

Also in general, I prefer sports where:
-- The chance of serious injury is low (i.e., no American football or hockey)
-- Women's league (I'd prefer to watch female athletes because I am a woman)
-- Visually exciting and fun to watch (i.e., no golf)
-- Winner isn't decided by judges' scores
-- Team sport
-- Not completely driven by money (if possible)

Thank you for answering my very silly but sanity-saving question.
posted by rue72 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (34 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Women's soccer would be my first suggestion, but unfortunately the North American professional league is on hiatus for a long time, so you won't see much women's soccer on TV in the USA. The English/French/German leagues are all active now, but I don't see much television coverage on American channels.

The best quote about women's soccer, to me, is a letter to the Independent (UK)
“I watched the England-Germany women’s football on TV. Why was it screened? Women can’t play football. They don’t even know the basic rules.
When tackled, they get up and play on. They don’t pretend to be hurt. They don’t dive. They don’t get opponents sent off. They don’t wrestle at corner kicks. Worst of all, they don’t hassle the match officials. As any fool who has watched the men’s Premiership knows, that is not the way to play football."
David Hickey
posted by blob at 1:49 PM on November 11, 2020 [4 favorites]

Hello I am not a sport person. Really only get into the Olympics and elite gymnastics.

THAT SAID, I will always watch a volleyball game if it's on. Court, not so much into beach. It's FAST so it's fun to watch, and it's got easy enough rules you can follow the game on your own.

(I have no idea how to actively seek out volleyball or teams to follow, just that sometimes it's magically on a TV and I will watch it.)
posted by phunniemee at 1:49 PM on November 11, 2020 [1 favorite]

I second volleyball. I have no idea where one watches it (aside form during the olympics), but I think it meets all your criteria.
posted by jonathanhughes at 1:53 PM on November 11, 2020

Best answer: So unfortunately this part of my answer isn't as feasible due to COVID, but I find all sports to be infinitely better to watch in-person. Once I've seen a sport in-person more than a few times, it's easier to watch on television.

Having a nearby fanbase also makes it easier to get into a sport/team. So if your nearby city has a WNBA team, that's a good way to go. My city has a women's soccer team which is great to watch (National Women's Soccer League), so if I'm going to support a women's team, it will be them. Games in person are more fun to watch than watching them on television, but if I were more into the sport, I'd watch them on television, too.

Don't discount college games too. NCAA women's basketball and women's soccer can get some good local coverage, and often have a great fanbase as well.

I think a big part of getting 'into' a team, especially now, is coverage. What can you watch easily (either on tv or the internet).

On preview - oh yeah, volleyball is awesome to watch as well! If you have a nearby college, their games are so much fun.
posted by hydra77 at 1:54 PM on November 11, 2020 [2 favorites]

I hate all sports but find that tennis is bearable to watch and occasionally even exciting. The whole "game set match" scoring system is a little daunting but not impossible.
posted by Don Pepino at 1:56 PM on November 11, 2020 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Sorry, I think my question was too scattered.

More than any particular sport, I'm wondering how to become a *fan.*

I'm a political junkie and I have even gotten really into a bunch of TV show fandoms over the years, but for some reason I always bounce off of sports. And that's having been a varsity athlete in high school -- I really enjoyed playing sports, I just never cared about watching or following them otherwise.

Is there a podcast I should listen to or a show I should watch or something like that? Like, sports fan training wheels? I think having a team to root for or players that I follow would be fun.

Great idea about going to in-person games! Unfortunately, Covid kind of ruins that for now, but hopefully one day.
posted by rue72 at 1:59 PM on November 11, 2020

Best answer: I got into sports by watching them with someone who was REALLY into them, someone who got excited, who could explain things, and who had a genuine love for the game, knew the players and liked talking about that. So I think finding a community, either in a small IRL pod depending on where you are, or more likely an online community, is a good way to find a set of people who you can maybe do a group watch with. So if you have a WNBA team that you like, their page on their website (example) will point to their communities, usually on facebook. Another possible option is to find local sports if you have friends and neighbors who play at the high school level or a local college so you can see people who may be related to people you know in the community. I don't have specific suggestions otherwise since I follow sports that are not ones you want to follow, but I look forward to reading other answers.
posted by jessamyn at 2:00 PM on November 11, 2020 [6 favorites]

hear me out: you might enjoy curling?

It seems kind of boring if you just happen to watch 5 minutes or something, but it's really interesting and has a lot of skill and style, you can learn stuff about the individual players and their teams - the womens' league is popular!

The brier (men's tournament) and the tournament of hearts (the women's tournament) both normally run in February - and hey, this year the monetary prizes for winning will be the same for the men and women's tournaments, which is very good!

oh! on seeing your edit - I have become 100x the hockey fan I used to be in the last couple years by listening to sports radio in the morning. So definitely find a podcast or read articles about whatever sport you pick!

(ps - if you don't love sports in general but just want that "sports fan feeling", sometimes we watch Survivor in a very sports-fan like way - and then we listen to "rob has a podcast" survivor recaps. When sports all shut down for covid we subscribed to cbs total access and watched like 5 old seasons of survivor.)
posted by euphoria066 at 2:05 PM on November 11, 2020

I'd say the biggest way to kickstart fandom would be to choose a team to follow in a given sport. Learn the roster, learn a bit about the stars, their strengths, backgrounds, etc. If you like tactics, learn how they play. If you like the characters, learn about them as people. But don't try to follow a league, follow a team, as that will both give you a useful lens in how you watch the sport (it turns "what's going on" into "how is this going for my team", a much more compelling question most of the time) and, because you'll be focusing on that team's players, will let you go for depth in whatever areas interest you instead of breadth of the whole league. It will also make it easier to find the writers/podcasts for that team.

I'm another big NWSL fan, and the FA Cup in Britain is going on now and pretty findable streaming, but I know people that love the WNBA and women's hockey too, so whatever sport you pick you should have some options.
posted by lhputtgrass at 2:12 PM on November 11, 2020 [1 favorite]

Best answer: I've gotten up to speed on a bunch of different women's sports and issues that are at the forefront of those difefrent sports by listening to Burn It All Down, a feminist sports podcast fronted by badass Canadian Shireen Ahmed. Their most recent episode is all about what they'll be watching in the next few months and all of the women who host are journalists and/or podcasters so it's a good way to find other things to read and watch about sports.
posted by ChuraChura at 2:14 PM on November 11, 2020 [4 favorites]

I got into the WNBA since the pandemic swept in. I'm not really a 'fan' of other sports, as much as an occasional enjoyer (including figure skating etc). I got into it through Autostraddle's coverage of the gayness of the WNBA. Now, my very queer interest is piqued easily by this, so it's the players that took me to fan level. I follow them on social media, I think they are super cool, I think they have amazing stories and personalities, and the league has been amazing about racial justice. My wife and I chose the two teams geographically closest to us (they were basically equidistant from us) and decided they were our teams, learned the rosters and started watching!

ALSO IT'S CHEAP! A WNBA league pass, where you can watch all of the 2020 season on demand, is only $4.99!!!
posted by wellifyouinsist at 2:24 PM on November 11, 2020 [3 favorites]

Definitely agree that to become a fan of a sport, you need to become a fan of a team. Fandom means being emotionally invested in something, having something or someone to cheer for, to follow, to care about.

I'd find a team you can relate with. Whether it's based on geography (your home team, home team of where you were born, home team of a place you love, etc), the team of a specific player you think is inspiring, or even a team's uniform colors, whatever. It doesn't really matter how you pick a team, but you need a team. I will admit, it will be easier to become a fan if they're winning, or at least have a chance to win. Being a fan of a team that always loses can actually be pretty hard.

Now immerse yourself in the team. Watch their games, listen to the broadcasters. Find where their fans hang out on social media. Find a podcast about the team. Are there sports radio shows that discuss the team? Learn the players, their strengths, their weaknesses. You'll learn the sport through osmosis. But you need immersion. You'll find yourself caring, emotionally invested, and congrats, now you're a fan.

If you find yourself not caring, not giving a crap, well, this wasn't the team/sport for you. It happens. Find something else and try again!
posted by cgg at 2:25 PM on November 11, 2020 [3 favorites]

It might help you to get into a team if you first get into its players. A friend of mine follows her favorite WNBA players on Instagram, which makes her feel super invested in their success (because they seem more like real people who she knows and likes and wants to see do well). Do some of your local WNBA stars have a social media presence?
posted by babelfish at 3:07 PM on November 11, 2020 [1 favorite]

I have gotten interested in sports and franchises and players by first finding pieces that I find highly entertaining on their own. What immediately comes to mind is Jon Bois and Alex Rubenstein's History of the Seattle Mariners. Entertaining on its own and their enthusiasm for the club comes through.

The Secret Base Youtube channel (formerly SB Nation) is like most sports outlets heavily skewed towards mens' professional sports, but there's some stuff that might fit the bill.
posted by supercres at 3:15 PM on November 11, 2020

Agree with the above comments to try to become invested in individual players on a team. Read their bios. Look for fun, quirky facts about them. Research and see if there are any in-depth profiles available online. Follow them on Twitter , etc if they have accounts. You can even buy a player's jersey/shirt, etc if it's available and wear it when watching!

You can also look into the history of a particular team. What's their mascot situation? Do their fans have any fun traditions at the stadium/field on game days? Is a team involved in any charities you support or are interested in?
Is the team (or individual players) chasing any records this season?

In short, as others have said, the more personal connections you can make to a team and/or its players, the more invested you'll be and the more fun you'll have. Good luck and have fun!
posted by bookmammal at 3:17 PM on November 11, 2020

Find the angle you like and what you might like about the sport.

For example, I have a buddy who is British and he's been getting into baseball because he's a math dude and all the metrics and statistics are extremely interesting to him, plus building a baseball team is like min-maxing a team in Dungeons and Dragons but there's always an element of chaos in it in that you never know what's going to happen even if you optimize your team-building choices.

I got into baseball because if I sat out on the porch and drank I was a degenerate, but if I did it watching baseball, I was a fan, and it's a nice way to stay outside. I also like the team-building aspect I mentioned above because I play the hell out of Manager Mode or manager-style games even if it's something I'm not familiar with. I got into Premier League because I stumbled on Football Manager and that was the perfect drug for me.

Fantasy (whatever) frequently appeals to nerds when they figure out it's about numbers and finding the best dudes and not thick-necked bros hollering at them.

My wife isn't a huge sports fan but she likes videos of ridiculous things happening like plays going bad or of ridiculous human feats, like when a dude has a sick dunk or a bone crushing tackle, so she doesn't mind watching or if I have a game on and point out ridiculous things happening.

My ex-wife figured out she really liked going to baseball games for people watching. (I know other women that figured out they liked baseball because it's a bunch of fit dudes in tight pants and also there are drinks and snacks((not joking!)).

When I got into baseball, I tried to follow the Athletics, but they trade and move players too much and it's not a lot of fun for me. The Yankees became my team because 1. they're usually pretty good and 2. when they're NOT good, it's wailing and gnashing of teeth and the entire New York area going into meltdown mode because they miss the playoffs. I can't root for a small team where a .500 season is good enough. I have to have the drama and the stakes. Plus, being a Yankees fan is fun, everyone hates you because you're the Empire from Star Wars. True story: I used to live in Norway and I was doing an event with the company I worked for. It was one of those things where I did my bit and then they shooed me away so I didn't screw anything up. I was sitting on a couch back stage minding my own business. A guy walked up to me, looked at my Yankees cap, and in an extremely thick accent said, "You like Yankees? Fuck the Yankees! Go Red Sox!" And then we talked about baseball despite being thousands of miles from either team. That's fun to me.

Similarly, the Lakers are my basketball team because there's always ridiculous drama around them.
posted by Ghostride The Whip at 3:26 PM on November 11, 2020 [2 favorites]

If you live in the Midwest, or if you otherwise have access to the Big Ten Network, they regularly televise women’s college sports. I’ve watched volleyball, field hockey, and soccer, among others over the years. Perhaps it’s because I also play volleyball, but I find the volleyball broadcasts especially fun. The commentators seem more knowledgeable and didactic (in a good way) than other sports commentators, women or men.

That’s a transition into my first piece of advice on how to be a fan, which is: play the sport first. It helps you understand why the players are doing what they’re doing. I grew up playing hockey, and while I don’t really follow it anymore, I will still turn on a game I don’t care about to critique players (“#5 is a solid skater”; “#17 makes lazy passes”.) It gives you an intellectual in.

#2 is to just watch the same team repeatedly. The more you watch, the more familiar you’ll become, and you’ll form parasocial relationships. I actually got into Manchester City soccer (before they had money!), even though I hate soccer, because the Fox Sports Channel showed their games every week. And if you can grow fond of Joey Barton, you can grow fond of anyone. Just pick a team and watch each game. It might take a while, but it’ll happen. It’s essential to watch the same team each time, though, which brings me to #3:

Pick a team for a reason. For a lot of fans, that reason can be as simple as living in a particular city or going to a particular college. If you don’t have those ties, though, there are other reasons. In soccer, Barcelona is as popular as they are as much for their off the field history as for anything on it. Likewise, there are a lot of Yankees fans who only root for them because they’re a winning team in a big city. The reasons can be as arbitrary as you’d like.

My final suggestion is to find a rival. Have a friend pick another team, and then talk trash about how your team is better than theirs. Good-natured ribbing is a major part of sports fandom, and, because you’re being social, it’s more likely to stick than if you just do it yourself.

You might also play fantasy sports, but that’s usually more frustration than it’s worth.
posted by kevinbelt at 3:39 PM on November 11, 2020 [2 favorites]

I identified with your question. There was a time when I really, really tried to become a basketball fan and went to multiple Wizards games when they were at the bottom of the league (yay $5 tickets!). I agree that most sports are infinitely more enjoyable in person... BUT if you're open to watching an anime, Haikyuu! helped me, a total n00b, learn the ins and outs of volleyball shockingly decently and grow an appreciation for the sport. After I watched a few seasons, I started watching some games on Youtube and was absolutely amazed at the athleticism and beauty of the game. The first 2 seasons are available on Netflix and Hulu.
posted by sums at 4:12 PM on November 11, 2020 [1 favorite]

I know you said you don't want another sport suggestion, but I do feel I should make this one: showjumping.

To hit your criteria:

-- The chance of serious injury is low (i.e., no American football or hockey)
It's very rare that you see a rider or a horse fall. Even then, most of the time they're okay.

-- Women's league (I'd prefer to watch female athletes because I am a woman)

This is the best part: women and men compete against each other. There are women at the very top of the sport.

-- Visually exciting and fun to watch (i.e., no golf)
It's a visually beautiful sport to watch, gleaming horses in every shade of brown and black and grey and white you can imagine. Riders dressed in vibrantly coloured coats (typically red, but also black and national team colours). Fences in every colour of the rainbow, including some that are decorated as rainbows. Short rounds for each competitor. The timing is usually measured in seconds. The action is usually pretty immediate (the horse clears the fence, the horse rubs the fence but it stays up, or the horse knocks the fence over). It's easy to find yourself "riding along" with the riders you are rooting for (after a while, you can begin to count strides between fences, just as the rider does). Commentators that are used to people who don't understand the sport, so they explain every basic aspect to you (over and over and over). Seriously, practically anybody, even little kids can sit down, watch show jumping and understand it.

-- Winner isn't decided by judges' scores

See above about knocking fences over (which earns you faults) and timing (going over the time earns you faults and in jump-off scenarios, the fastest, cleanest round wins).

-- Team sport
This is the only strike. Riders compete as individuals (although some can have multiple horses entered). There are team events where each rider on a team (typically four) compete, and their scores are added together (usually with the lowest one dropped). The team with the lowest total score (faults are bad) wins. I've seen odd events where they have two riders jump identical courses at the same time, but that's pretty rare.

-- Not completely driven by money (if possible)
There is prize money, but in the grand scheme of sports, it's pretty much pocket change--tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to the winners, not usually multiple millions. Mind you, I'm not saying there's no money in the sport. It takes a whole lot of cash and resources to compete, to buy and care for horses, to travel and pay for lessons and training, but, you don't really hear about the financial aspects the way you do with, say baseball or other American team sports.

The other reason I want to put this up for consideration is that because the riders compete for such a long time (I think Ian Miller is into fourth or fifth decade as a top-level professional) it's easy to become a fan of certain individuals. There's also a strong multi-generational aspect to the sport, so you might see parents and children competing or siblings or cousins. This could be at the same time or over time. Even the horses (or at least the very good ones) are around for years and years, with some becoming fan favourites.

I can't recommend any podcasts to get you into the game, but I'm sure there must be some out there. The worst part about being a fan is finding regular and reliable TV coverage.
posted by sardonyx at 4:13 PM on November 11, 2020

I’m not “a sports guy,” but Jon Bois’s (sbnation/Secret Base) work and storytelling is still very enjoyable to me, and has led to me appreciating sports stuff I haven’t in the past. Then again, I am a geeky guy who likes data, so maybe Bois speaks to me in a way he wouldn’t to you. Maybe worth a try? I’m not sure if he’s addressed the WNBA. I hope he does, if he hasn’t yet.
posted by Alterscape at 4:33 PM on November 11, 2020 [1 favorite]

> Being a fan of a team that always loses can actually be pretty hard.

Not always! The fans of Íbis FC are very proud of being The Worst Team in The World™, and always cheer for their team to lose. Now that it's started winning, they're worried about breaking with tradition.

They've recently started a women's team, but unfortunately it doesn't live up to the fame of the club and is actually good.
posted by Tom-B at 5:59 PM on November 11, 2020

I wasn't much of a sports fan until I met my wife an infinite number years ago. Since then I have become a watcher of American football, baseball, and NASCAR racing. Not a huge fan, but a watcher.

The one and only thing I find consistently interesting about sports is the people involved. The players/drivers all have interesting stories, families, relationships with others. Some sports are more amenable to this than others...NASCAR, for instance, is a family-oriented sport, not only because the dynastic nature of some racing families but the involvement of racers wives and children, who are frequently in the pits before races. Of course, right now there are no women at all in big-league racing; I use this only as an example.

So my advice is to find a team -- basketball, soccer, volleyball, roller derby -- and see what you can find out about the people involved. A local team is going to get better coverage this'll probably get better coverage of the upcoming Sue Bird/Megan Rapinoe nuptials in Seattle than in New York, for instance.
posted by lhauser at 7:36 PM on November 11, 2020

Another volleyball convert via Haikyuu - sports anime is actually a great way to get into a sport. Why you should watch sports anime (and where to start) is a good guide and fun to read.

If there's a college or university near you, see what women's sports they offer and go to some of the games. College sports are fun because you'll get to see the team members graduate (Senior Day celebrations can get pretty emotional).
posted by mogget at 9:00 PM on November 11, 2020

If you're at all baseball-adjacent, I recommend university-level softball.
An all-women competitive nonviolent team sport.
High levels of athletecism and cooperation, as seen in highlight reels.

I don't know if you have two hours to watch a whole game via youtube, but this random one I grabbed seems to be well commentated.

Note: if the announcers talking during play, giving background on the coaching situation, and where players are at in their career this season, etc. turns you off, then softball (and baseball) are not for you.
But if you appreciate the running 'I don't know these players, tell me who I'm looking at and why I should care' narrative as a soothing background chatter; but are turned off by Big Business Boys Baseball, then College Women's Softball might be something to look into.
Especially if you have a home or adopted university team to root for.
posted by bartleby at 11:01 PM on November 11, 2020

Where are you located?

When NWSL comes back, if there is a team near you, go to a game. If you're lucky, there'll be a section with a bunch of people making noise and waving flags and stuff. Find out where that section is, and sit there for your second game. Talk to the people around you, have a couple beers, see how the fans react to things that happen in the game. Tell the person next to you that it's only your second game, and if they're a big fan they just might be happy to chat with you about fan things. (If you're in Portland, OR, they'll probably buy you a pint.)
posted by bink at 11:20 PM on November 11, 2020 [1 favorite]

Definitely find a fan and learn from them. Follow players on social media and read their posts. Follow the managers and fan accounts too.

(I would suggest watching women's skiing (downhill or cross country) or other winter sports.)
posted by Red Desk at 1:58 AM on November 12, 2020

I have found that I need to learn the rules, and something about what 'good' looks like before I can enjoy a sport. If you're not already a fan, I think soccer is hard because there are a lot of 0-0 matches. Sports I found easy to get interested in as a spectator are: track cycling, curling, any form of gymnastics, track and field, tae kwon do, judo, short-track speed skating, any form of skiing apart from cross-country, show jumping, crew/rowing, snooker. Sports I've found hard include cricket, baseball, football, soccer, road cycling, and golf.
posted by plonkee at 4:44 AM on November 12, 2020

In terms of becoming a fan, what I find helpful is to immerse myselfin the *storylines* of the sport. For me, this includes:

- following some key players on Twitter and/or Instagram to get glimpses of their life;
- listening to podcasts about the sport that take the same approach to it as I do. I know I am not a stats-based sports fan, so I find podcasts that are also about the bigger picture; and
- following other people on twitter (sports writers, fans) who are interested in the same aspect of the sport as me;
- watching (or, in the before times, attending) games with other people to talk to about them; and
- reading a book about the history of the league/sport/etc so I can get a sense of where the current game/players are coming from.
posted by hepta at 6:26 AM on November 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

Roller derby is a grassroots women's team sport. There are injuries, but not as frequent or as gruesome as in American football. The Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) has a ton of games archived on their YouTube channel. Here is a brief introductory video to the rules. This game is as good an intro as any - 2015 championship game between the long-reigning Gotham Roller Derby (NYC) and the scrappy underdogs, Rose City Rollers (Portland, OR).

I would be happy to answer any derby questions you might have!
posted by coppermoss at 7:02 AM on November 12, 2020

Just saw your clarification about how to become a fan - for derby, it generally helps to have a local league to cheer for, but since the WFTDA streams and then archives many games, it's easy enough to pick a team to cheer for from afar. #DerbyTwitter is fairly active when games are being played* and is a great place to meet other derby players/fans and discuss ongoing tournaments.

*The WFTDA has gotten noticed for its excellent and stringent Return-to-Play guidelines.
posted by coppermoss at 7:05 AM on November 12, 2020

So, this may be getting way too into the weeds, but the NWSL is having an expansion draft tonight for the new team that's starting up in Louisville. They're streaming the whole thing live on their Twitch channel (weird, I know) here. I'm not sure exactly what it'll be like, but it could be an interesting introduction to a lot of individual players in the league.

Agreed on the Instagram/Twitter advice too. I follow a bunch of women's soccer players and also players from my men's Premier League team, and it's overall very charming and fun.

Also, it's pretty easy to find old matches on Youtube and elsewhere -- you could try watching specific games that you know in advance are exciting for some reason (high stakes, underdog wins, dramatic moments, etc). Seems like this thread could come up with some recommendations in just about any sport!
posted by catoclock at 8:26 AM on November 12, 2020

I'm an NBA fan and I've found that podcasts (Lowe Post, The Ringer, JJ Redick's) have been really great for my fandom (even though I've been a fan since I was a kid.) I found this reddit thread recommending WNBA podcasts that might be helpful.
posted by callmejay at 9:16 AM on November 13, 2020

I am not a sports person but became a sort-of sports person by proxy. What helped me the most was getting into the people! Just like characters on shows, the teams are full of interesting people with fun history, and struggles, and rivalries. I know you said know AmFootball, but that's what I'm familiar with. I've watched enough now to see people go from being college kids to fathers, switch teams, build schools in their old neighborhoods, and this past year there were small and wonderfully fun video documentaries about their sequestration in the bubble. Same with the NBA! I saw people on teams mingling, making music together, playing golf, doing tiktok dances. It help to have someone in-the-know to help you with all this. They can also tell you cool facts like "these two teams haven't played each other since XX year, and at that time the quarterback was a rookie for the other team and led them to the championship and he hasn't won since" or whatever. Rivalries are cool
posted by FirstMateKate at 9:48 AM on November 13, 2020 [1 favorite]

You can also check and see if there are documentaries about your chosen sport. I didn't care at all about Formula 1 before March 2019, but then I watched the first season of Drive to Survive on Netflix and found it so compelling and now I really enjoy F1 and am more invested than I would like to admit in a sport in which very rich young men drive very expensive cars very fast around a track 65 times in a row.
posted by ChuraChura at 10:48 AM on November 13, 2020 [1 favorite]

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