Silent Hill Let's Plays
August 14, 2019 1:21 PM   Subscribe

I've been watching this Let's Play of Silent Hill 2 and really enjoying it. I'd like to watch other Let's Plays of other games in the series that are similar in tone.

What I like about this Let's Play:

- the hosts are chatty, whimsical, a little silly at times, but still focused on the game
- they're knowledgeable about game design and history (something I know very little about) and talk about that in an interesting way
- they're upfront about problematic aspects of the game and its fandom and are willing to engage with that during their discussion
- they're positive and clearly having fun
- this should go without saying but, no gross racists/misogynist/homophobic/ableist bullshit from the hosts

Thank you!
posted by darchildre to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
I can recommend Pop_Arena and Video Game Historian on YouTube. Both are smart, funny, not racist or sexist. Pop_Arena has a series on the Silent Hill games and the Game Historian episode on Tetris is EPIC.
posted by Aquifer at 1:23 PM on August 14, 2019

Scott Manley is a space enthusiast and polymath, as you can see from my post about him in the blue. He plays a good number of games as you can see from his uploads, but he's far from being only a Let's Play-er; lots of space news content and such as well. In particular, I suggest hitting that last link, and search it for Kerbal-- he's one of the premiere educators of the simplified rocketry simulation game that is Kerbal Space Program.

He's a solo player, though; once in a while he has a guest, and sometimes his kids wander in, but solo-play is the normal mode. He also has done the occasional live-stream, so he verbally interacts with the chat in those.

KSP's fandom is generally amazing; the only negative stuff I've ever seen was disagreements over whether certain mods was cheating.
posted by Sunburnt at 6:00 PM on August 14, 2019

Response by poster: Scott Manley does look rad but I'd like to gently stress that I'm looking specifically for good Let's Plays of games from the Silent Hill series, which I can't see that he's done.
posted by darchildre at 8:10 PM on August 14, 2019

Ach, I missed that bit.
posted by Sunburnt at 5:33 PM on August 15, 2019

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