Ladies, what are your best reads?
November 15, 2018 8:39 AM   Subscribe

Ladies, what are the books that made you grow, learn more things about yourself and become a better person? It can be novels, self developement books, web articles. Please share with us your best reads with a small description. Here are mine: - The Four Agreements, by don miguel ruiz: a declicious read to understand how society and education can change who we are, and learn how to set ouselves free. - Running on empty, by jonice webb: This book is about children's emotional neglect and how it impacts their life. A must for parents as well as those who experienced emotional neglet growing up -How to be a woman, by caitlin Moran: The funniest feminist book I ever read! Your turn!
posted by sophieJu to Society & Culture

This post was deleted for the following reason: Basically any question that opens with "I'll go first!" is chatfilter, sorry. -- restless_nomad

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