How do virtual classes for Google courses compare to physical classes?
April 6, 2017 9:46 PM   Subscribe

I am interested in doing some courses related to the Google Cloud. These courses are typically offered either as virtual classes or as traditional in-classroom courses. How do these compare? Does anybody have direct experience of either of these?

I have done plenty of self-led online training, however I am now interested in mixing this up with some instructor-led courses, such as those detailed on the Google Cloud Training site.

I am particularly interested in getting some in-person interaction with teachers and other students, so at first glance the virtual classes do not seem to offer what I want, although they are more convenient.

Has anybody done any of these virtual courses? How do they compare to the in-class courses?

All input much appreciated!
posted by oclipa to Education 1 user marked this as a favorite
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