No, I won't share the cost of your mistakes
August 26, 2016 10:47 PM   Subscribe

WTF China factories...when you make a mistake, why do you always ask me to share the costs of fixing them?

This is something that has happened to me multiple times and I'm beginning to think it must be some kind of deep cultural difference. A factory in China will make a product incorrectly, and entirely admit that they made a mistake, but then ask me to help them cover some of the costs of fixing the mistake.

To me this is really crazy. If I make a mistake, I don't ask other people to help pay for the cost of my mistake. Yet this is exactly the situation I've encountered with multiple factories in China.

They seem to get incredibly tangled up in knots about any financial losses and don't seem to understand the concept that in business there will be mistakes every year, you have to expect them, and when they happen you have to write them off and move on.

What exactly is this about, especially the part about asking me to share the costs of their mistake? Is that just a shameless attempt to reduce their losses, or is it some type of cultural instinct to share the burden of one party's mistake?
posted by Dansaman to Work & Money

This post was deleted for the following reason: This is too much of a rant to work here, sorry. -- restless_nomad

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