Childhood book filter: Frozen younger brother
July 17, 2015 7:59 AM   Subscribe

Seeking the name of a kid's book from 70s-ish timeframe. Story set in eastern europe or russia-ish forest area. Parents leave the house and leave older brother in charge. More plot, more inside.

Younger brother gets on older brother's nerves, gets told to be quiet and go outside/away.

I don't remember clearly some of the next plot, but brother ends up at the abode of a Grandfather Frost/Winter character who values his quiet and solitude. Animals that make noise and disturb him are placed in front of an ice fire and frozen.

Little brother is found (in frozen state). Big brother thaws him, and they make their escape home, where father's hair is turned white from stress/grief.

It's driving me nuts. I can see the book cover in my mind (well, except the title...). Extra super bonus points if we find that I can even purchase the book once the title is revealed.
posted by LoraxGuy to Writing & Language (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Looks like it could be "Two Brothers" by Evgeni Schwarz. The book is available on in two editions: here and here
posted by wet-raspberry at 12:40 PM on July 17, 2015

Best answer: And available on etsy.
posted by MonkeyToes at 6:41 PM on July 17, 2015

Response by poster: Finally I can sleep a little easier. MonkeyToes, your link is the cover I remember. I couldn't not give props to wet-raspberry - even though I don't read Russian, it confirms the name of the book and an author.

posted by LoraxGuy at 1:45 PM on July 21, 2015

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