NYC Mefites: Coop owners with experience adding outdoor space?
January 17, 2013 3:11 PM   Subscribe

We own a coop apartment with unused space adjoining the unit which we'd like to try to purchase and combine with our unit as a patio. Looking for advice from anyone who has been down a similar road before to help us get our head around the process (convincing the board, establishing a fair valuation, navigating DOB/Landmarks, financing), pitfalls to watch out for, etc.

Since we live in downtown Manhattan in an area that requires Landmarks approval for anything external, one particular thing that I'm grappling with is whether we run a risk that our plans would be denied only after we already purchased the undeveloped space from the building, leaving us with a needlessly more expensive apartment.

Any direct personal experiences or knowledgeable opinions are most welcome, as are references for a quality attorney with specific experience in these kinds of transactions.
posted by Zippity Goombah to Home & Garden 1 user marked this as a favorite
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