ArrrGACK: a zombie pirate game
August 5, 2011 3:18 PM   Subscribe

I want to create a live action zombie game at my workplace. But I'm not really a zombie fan, so I need help!

I just started the most awesome job in the world as social coordinator for a 130-person software development team. I'm told the developers were getting kind of tired of a straight up Pirate Day celebration, so I'm thinking that a zombie-pirate game on Talk Like a Pirate Day is the way to do that!

However, I have never organized such and event, and I don't really know what the rules of zombies are. Have you participated in a live action zombie game? If so, what were the rules? If not, but you're creative, what should the rules be? Or are there web pages that might be helpful in designing this?
posted by rosa to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total)
Zombie Tag
posted by empath at 3:32 PM on August 5, 2011

Oh man, that sounds awesome. It all depends on how much/enthusiastic participation you get and how many people there are.

For combat I'd reccomend a flag football style thing. Zombies wear them as headbands maybe, pirates in the belt. Steal a pirates flag and they have to spend X minues in Davie Jones' Locker or w.e. Steal a zombie's flag and they have to go back to patient zero. Or if you want infectious zombies, you can have the infected go to an 'infirmary' and unless they're 'cured' in X min, they get to get up as zombies.

You could arrange some puzzles for the Pirates to solve in order to find a cure/vaccine. Math puzzles, riddles, obsticles, just what you think they will enjoy. Zombies should be restricted to walking only. You could have fun stuff for them too if you wanted. A lot of team building type excercizes that work on restrictions will work. For example a puzzle that need cooperation, but the players aren't allowed to speak. Or something where the zombies have lost limbs due to decay, so one is blindfolded, or can use only one arm or w.e. Maybe each zombie has a special skill, one remembers how to use doors, one elevators, one the stapler, one a computer (some things useful for puzzles, some just generally useful). Again, eveything depends on how much buy in you get. Assigning good and excited team leaders can really help with that.

Be sure to have some fun using the PA system if you have one. Sound effects, perhaps narration/instructions from there. Maybe start the game be welcoming people to the party and then being swarmed by zombies on the PA. Maybe design a scene of carnage for people to discover. Or have a closet secretly filled with pirate treasure.

Overall, just have fun.
posted by Garm at 3:39 PM on August 5, 2011

the rules of zombies are infection with no cure. one person is a zombie, comes in contact with another person, that person becomes a zombie, etc.

maybe to make it a little harder, the only way to get infected is if the zombie can get a little sticker on their keycard/badge without being detected. have the pirates protect a bounty, have the zombies try to infect the pirates until the get to the ones in control of the bounty - if they can turn one of those guys, zombies win, if they can't, pirates win. maybe a pizza party?
posted by nadawi at 3:50 PM on August 5, 2011

You should try to incorporate some of the Rules from Zombieland. Also elements from The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Sounds like fun!
posted by bessel functions seem unnecessarily complicated at 3:51 PM on August 5, 2011

You have to make a careful decision between fast zombies and slow zombies.
Be sure to make the right choice or people will tease you till you cry!
posted by hot_monster at 4:09 PM on August 5, 2011

Here are the rules for the Humans vs. Zombies game that my college campus plays every year. The organizers usually do a day-long game plus a week-long game every semester.
posted by lilac girl at 4:45 PM on August 5, 2011 [1 favorite]

My brother goes to this college where -almost everyone- plays Humans vs. Zombies.

From what I hear of his stories, it's incredibly popular - so much so that other colleges will come in to have a giant epic battle. He's even told me some speaker they brought in for morale or some such played some.

I do know that their games are intensely fun not because of the live action, but because, while they definitely set up specific dates for intense action, they never stop playing. They could be merely going to the galley for lunch, and end up having to travel in packs to watch for zombies, and vice versa.

Also, shit gets real.
posted by DisreputableDog at 7:12 PM on August 5, 2011 [1 favorite]

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