Want to watch Copa America in Baltimore
July 21, 2011 12:50 PM   Subscribe

I want to watch the Copa America final on Sunday in a bar in Baltimore. It will be playing on Univision. Where should I start looking for such a bar? Or, does someone have a recommendation for a bar that will likely show it, such as a Paraguyan or Uruguayan restaurant?
posted by josher71 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (5 answers total)
Irish pubs tend to be big soccer hangouts.
posted by smackfu at 4:14 PM on July 21, 2011 [1 favorite]

Here's a list of "soccer pubs" in Maryland. I'd call ahead.
posted by Jahaza at 4:34 PM on July 21, 2011

Also try English pubs. They may be showing the match as well.

Sometimes local Mexican restaurants will have Univision on, particularly small taquerias.
posted by spinifex23 at 6:27 PM on July 21, 2011

Try Mick O'Shea's, Magerks, or Crazy Lil's. I would call ahead and find out. All these places have multiple TVs, so they might be willing to put the game on one of them. I've watched various sporting events all of these bars.
posted by Arbitrage1 at 6:32 AM on July 22, 2011

Response by poster: Hmm. Mick O'Sheas is close to me but they haven't been as welcoming to soccer watchers in the past. Hadn't considered Magerks or Crazy Lil's. Due to it being in Spanish and with two non powerhouses, I'm prepared for a tough sell. Thanks for the ideas!
posted by josher71 at 9:38 PM on July 22, 2011

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