Atheist book with Alex Grey cover
July 13, 2011 5:58 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a paperback with an Alex Grey painting on the cover. Subject is autobiographical, beginning with the author's experience of witnessing his grandfather's senility leading him to conclude that there is no soul.

I read this in '06 or '07. The painting is of a skeleton in a seated/lying position on the ground (no human aura in this painting). 90% sure it's Alex Grey. I want to say the author's name is Irish--sounds like McGrath or McGraw?

I believe the publisher is a lesser well-known company.
posted by levijk to Writing & Language (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: This?
posted by Gator at 6:42 PM on July 13, 2011 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Less than one hour! You'd think with the details I was able to remember I'd have figured it out myself (was wrong about the aura, though). Thank you very much, Gator.
posted by levijk at 12:32 AM on July 14, 2011

No prob! For reference, I found it by searching Google Books for grandfather senility soul (no quotes) and eyeballing the thumbnails of the book covers until I saw a likely match. It was on page two of the results.
posted by Gator at 4:40 AM on July 14, 2011

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