Fun in Oakland?
September 23, 2010 4:37 PM   Subscribe

Fun things to do in Oakland?

Thanks to a previous question I asked, I got some great info on Oakland and am moving to the Adam's Point area next week. Now that I am moving and starting a new job, I would love to get some info on your favorite things to do around the area. Areas of interest:

-Interesting restaurants/ bars/ nightlife
-Outdoor activities/ exercise
-Saunas, bathhouses/ spas
-Cultural activities or centers
-Spiritual communities or events
-Anything unique to Oakland that you have enjoyed

Thanks and I appreciate your help!
posted by tessalations999 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (14 answers total) 22 users marked this as a favorite
Places to see:
- Piedmont Rose Garden off of grand
- Joaquin Miller Park, Woodminster Theater and Cascades
- Sitting by the lake is nice (not as nice in the summer. hot weather = stinky lake!), so many birds (pelicans, coots, ducks, etc.)
- Roof garden on top of the Kaiser Center
- you must take the tour of the Paramount. It's once a month, I believe. The info. should be on their website.
- there's a great used bookstore, Bibliomania, across from the Fox

Places to eat/drink:
- Luka's
- Bakesale Betty
- Zachary's pizza
- Dopo on Piedmont is soooo delicious
- Tachibana on College Ave. has bad decor, but amazing food
- The Trappist in old town has a great selection of (all) Belgian beer
- Cafe Van Kleef has the best greyhounds

Sigh, missing Oakland. Congrats and have fun!
posted by gertrude at 5:05 PM on September 23, 2010 [3 favorites]

Art Murmur (first Friday of every month) is usually interesting.

TrueBurger (Webster and Grand) is awesome and cheap. Sidebar (on Grand at Euclid) is a great place to be walking distance from.
posted by asterix at 5:11 PM on September 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

I've also heard good things about Boot and Shoe Service, which is right across the freeway from Adams Point. Haven't made it there myself yet.

And seconding Bakesale Betty. You should also check out Genova Delicatessen (in the shopping mall across the street from Bakesale Betty).
posted by asterix at 5:13 PM on September 23, 2010

posted by RJ Reynolds at 5:17 PM on September 23, 2010 [6 favorites]

Sidebar is right in your neighborhood! Grand Tavern not too far, either. And the new Heart & Dagger Saloon!

There's a great farmer's market on Lake Park on Saturday's, and Arizmendi Bakery is right down the street.

Welcome to the neighborhood!
posted by Mountain Goatse at 5:30 PM on September 23, 2010

This local magazine did a feature on new restaurants in Oakland by neighborhood: Oakland Restaurant Boom. You can search their website to find more stuff (a bar guide, concerts, festivals). (disclosure: I interned there for a few months.)
posted by JenMarie at 5:41 PM on September 23, 2010

Luka's. Piedmont Springs.
posted by salvia at 7:45 PM on September 23, 2010

Beer Revolution
Thirding Piedmont Springs
Once a month or so Chabot Space and Science Center has late nights with live music and beer and wine.
The Albany Bulb, also known as The Landfill, can be fun. Especially if you have a dog. Lots of birds and lizards, art, and weirdos.
posted by gally99 at 8:34 PM on September 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

More suggestions:

- Cam Huong in Chinatown for banh mi
- Fenton's on Piedmont for ridiculous sundaes (and Lush Gelato right down the block for when you don't feel like a sundae)
- Merritt Bakery for fried chicken
- Cole Coffee in Rockridge for a custom-ground cup of any of probably 50 different coffees
posted by asterix at 9:54 PM on September 23, 2010

Seconding Beer Revolution, and you can get delicious vegan soul food delivered to the patio from the place next door. And I'm not even vegan.
posted by hwickline at 10:19 PM on September 23, 2010

Looks like this has been addressed, so I won't add a huge list. Welcome to the neighborhood!

My two cents:

* Andy's Bank Club and Wally's at 40th and San Pablo, go around lunchtime, grab a beer, and head to the back to Wally's for great Lebanese food.
* Kitty's on Hollis up in Emeryville. Get the raspberry mojito, go in the late afternoon.
* The Alley on Grand Avenue north of Lake Merritt. Go after 9:30, order a lemon drop or a dark'n'stormy. Bonus points if you sing with the piano player.
* Heinhold's First and Last Chance at Jack London Square. Go in the evening, be prepared to sit outside and watch the sun set, wear a light jacket, I like the margarita.

Not sure why all these involve alcohol. Hmm.
posted by doteatop at 10:30 PM on September 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Okay, here's one with no booze: BC Deli has the best pho and banh mi in Chinatown, in my opinion. Not sure how late they're open, I usually go for lunch.

I'd mention the Mexicali Rose, but then I'd have to mention the margaritas.
posted by doteatop at 10:32 PM on September 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Best answer: -Cactus Taqueria on College Ave. (right across the street from Rockridge BART) for some excellent crispy chicken tacos
-The Lake Chalet for a decent happy hour in a fantastic setting
-If you feel like something more divey, Oakland has two of the best: the Kingfish, just across the street from the Claremont DMV; and the Merchant, near the produce stalls in Jack London Square.
-Colonial Donuts on Lakeshore is open 24 hours, and is the place to go when it's 3 a.m. and you absolutely need a sprinkle donut, a carton of chocolate milk, and a handful of scratchers.
-IB's and the Cheese Steak Shop both make wonderfully unhealthy sandwiches. Their cheesesteaks are a little different, so try them both.
-You're going to be in the perfect location for one of the most popular outdoor activities in the town: Taking a jog around Lake Merritt. The entire eastern shore and part of the west have just been re-landscaped, and they're working on the southern bit right now.
-Dimond, Redwood, Joaquin Miller, Roberts, and Chabot parks are right next to each other and make one giant super-park up in the hills. They've got lots of hiking trails, a driving range, an archery range, a shooting range, Woodminster Amphitheater, Chabot Space & Science Center, horse stables, boating and fishing, a couple swimming pools, and probably lots more that I don't know about.
-Grand Lake Theater. They trot out the Wurlitzer organ before most Friday & Saturday evening shows.

Places that I can recommend that have already been mentioned: Bake Sale Betty, Zachary's, the roof garden at the Kaiser building, The Trappist, Genova, Merritt Bakery, Fenton's, Heart & Dagger, and the Oakland Museum.
posted by clorox at 11:21 PM on September 23, 2010

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