UK spook house suggestions
September 19, 2009 8:27 AM   Subscribe

I'm in the UK and, for Halloween, will be putting together what the Americans might call a "spook house". I'm looking for suggestions on great effects / props / installations to create truly classy, creepy illusions such as the ones described here - but I'm struggling to find other similar sites. Secondly I'm seeking ideas for smaller scale sideshows or games - anything icky that a small group of people can watch or participate in around a table. What have you seen or done that I could re-create this Halloween?
posted by skylar to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (10 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
(Oops, I think you meant "spooky". Americans would call it a "haunted house" more likely.)
posted by whiskeyspider at 8:37 AM on September 19, 2009 [1 favorite]

Googling "DIY haunted house" brings up some stuff, this for example.
posted by illenion at 8:55 AM on September 19, 2009

Yes, definitely "haunted house". A "spook house" is something my racist grandfather might say.

My favorite haunted house had a room where a guy popped out of a closet with a chainsaw (sans chain).
posted by downing street memo at 9:38 AM on September 19, 2009

Best answer: One of my friends told a haunted story while we sat blindfolded in a circle around her. As she got to interesting plot points where the main character finds things, she'd pass around a bowl for us to reach into and figure out what the character found. The bowls contained things like peeled grapes for eyeballs, and cooked noodles for guts.

While out trick-or-treating with the kids, one neighbor stood utterly still in costume. People would gather around him trying to decide if he was real or not, but didn't want to get too close, fearing that something big would happen. All that anticipation built up so he only had to open his eyes and raise his arms to scatter the crowd.
posted by hoppytoad at 10:46 AM on September 19, 2009 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: Thank you all for your advice so far. On the language issue, I have Googled plenty of related terms - Google has a feature that suggests related search terms.

So I'm either looking for specific recommendations for particularly good sites I should look at, or personal observations such as hoppytoad's.

posted by skylar at 11:06 AM on September 19, 2009

hoppytoad, thanks so much for that awesome suggestion.
posted by IAmBroom at 11:55 AM on September 19, 2009

Best answer: Making a 'Head in a jar' is a Halloween activity that a group can do. The parts are either free or cheap, and the result is quite creepy, expecially if you put a light behind the jar(s).
posted by Hardcore Poser at 12:05 PM on September 19, 2009

One of the best effects I've seen in a haunted house recently was a room with mirrored walls, black ceiling and floor, with white LED lights hanging from the ceiling like moss in a cave. The sense of wonder and infinity was allowed build to a peak just long enough for people to realize there was another person (people) in the room, dressed in scary costumes, doing the whole "Rawr, I'm a monster" thing.

Other than that, try googling Japanese haunted houses. They really go to town for their haunted houses, which run year round, rather than just for Halloween. Much like Japanese horror vs American horror films, they're actually scary.
posted by Ghidorah at 1:12 PM on September 19, 2009

one of the best effects i've ever seen was a half of a guy on a park bench. He was obviously through the seat and his lower half was hidden behind a black sheet below the bench seat. the bottom of his jacket was a spew of guts and still seated on the bench next to him was his (faked) pelvis and legs, liberaly topped with more blood and intestines. The way he writhed and soundlessly mouthed his agony was..... horribly well done. really made the whole effect for me. there were a few guys with chainsaws roaming in the vicinity, keeping people from looking to closely and telling the rest of the story. I look forward to the day my kids are too old for trick or treating and can stay and haunt our house with me in similar wonderous ways!
posted by Redhush at 2:41 PM on September 19, 2009

Best answer: Here's a list of inspiration:

Halloween Forums

Skull and Bone
Spooky Blue
Pumpkin Rot
Pumpkin Hollow
Ghosts of Halloween

Monster Page of Halloween Projects
Haunt Project - A Visual Source

Stuff that I did that's pretty easy:
How to Make a Mummy Costume
Witch Bottles
Fake Rocks
Tombstone Stencil Technique
Countdown Sign

Since there's only 40 days left until Halloween, I suggest picking one or two props to work on while you put together your sideshows/games. You sound like you want to build a lot of your props so don't get sucked into buying crappy alternatives if you run out of time. Home made props are way creepier and you can build up your props each year.

Have fun!
posted by KathyK at 6:59 AM on September 21, 2009

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