PS2 or XBox?
November 16, 2004 10:28 AM   Subscribe

PS 2 or X-box? Nothing more inside, I just want to know: should I buy a PS 2 or an X-box, and a few valid reasons to go along with it. Thanks.
posted by NekulturnY to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (28 answers total)
X-Box. Then mod it with a hard drive.
posted by Stan Chin at 10:30 AM on November 16, 2004

As much as I would like to own an Xbox, I recently purchased a PS2. Two reasons:

1. Microsoft was a HUGE contributor to the Republican party during this past election. On the other hand - if you like Bush, then this is a positive.
2. GTA: San Adreas available for PS2 now, for Xbox, sometime next year.
posted by jaded at 10:32 AM on November 16, 2004

It's a matter of personal choice, but I'd say PS2. It's got a much larger game library, so you're sure to find lots of titles to like, no matter what your preferences are. But a lot depends on what you're looking for in your console. What kinds of games do you like to play?
posted by unreason at 10:33 AM on November 16, 2004

reiterating unreason. ps2 has a bigger library.
posted by crunchland at 10:35 AM on November 16, 2004

Quoting Tycho from a recent PA newspost:
Each platform has, by this point, manifested its strengths and weaknesses to such a degree that they are patently obvious to anyone who is not in the throes of some orthodox mindset. Developers can take chances with their games on the PS2 because of the mind-boggling installed base, and it is the RPG enthusiast's only genuine choice. The Xbox has, in raw terms, the best hardware of this generation and the most robust multiplayer functionality. The Cube has first party titles of exceptional quality. That's the whole spectrum.
From my viewpoint, that's about all there is to say. I own a PS2 (bought for GTA3 and SSX Tricky, as well as backward compatibility with PSOne games) and a Cube (bought for Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and some Japanese import games) and have been thoroughly satisfied with my purchases.
posted by Danelope at 10:39 AM on November 16, 2004

Crunchland is correct. A stock PS2 has a larger library than a stock XBox. However, a modded XBox has the complete XBox library, as well as a complete library for NES, SNES, Genesis, TG-16, Neo-Geo, Arcade, SMS, Game Boy, etc....

Plus, XMBC will change the way you use your TV, if you regularly download TV/Movies.
posted by Jairus at 10:44 AM on November 16, 2004

It can also be considered a question of quantity versus quality. Without a doubt the PS2 has a much larger game library (with access to the original PS1 library as well.) There are also a number of notable PS-exclusive franchises (Jak & Daxter, the new GTA, Final Fantasies, etc.)

However, if you're any sort of stickler for audio/video quality, the Xbox wins hands down. ocassionally publishes Head-to-Head comparisons of the same titles released for PS2, Cube and Xbox, and the Xbox wins nearly every time. It simply has superior hardware specifications (faster hardware, more storage space, better video capabilities, superior sound hardware, etc.)

Another factor to consider is online connectivity. Microsoft has poured a LOT more resources into development of Xbox Live and it remains the console of choice for online gaming by a very wide margin, rivaled only by dedicated PCs for online play. It does *require* a broadband connection, but you'd want the same type of connection for PS2's online gaming as well.

There are some other minor features, such as a PS2 being able to play DVDs out of the box, and Xbox requiring a $30 dongle to play movies. However, Xbox has built in support for 4 player controllers, while you need a $25 multitap for more than 2 simultaneous players on PS2. There is also a hard drive add-on for the PS2 (Xbox comes with one) but very few games take advantage of it. Xbox features downloadable content for several Live-enabled games.

There are also some notable Xbox-exclusive franchises. Need I mention Halo and the recently released Halo 2?

I would give the slight edge to Xbox (I own 2, plus a PS2 and Cube) but that's just my preference.. if you want access to a bigger library of games, go PS2, if you want higher quality AV and better online play, and Halo, it's Xbox.

My suggestion? Buy both, of course. Get one for yourself and ask for the other one as a holiday gift.
posted by robbie01 at 10:46 AM on November 16, 2004

As everyone notes, it's about what kinds of games you like. The PS2 has a wide variety of games -- although its RPGs are especially unique. Add to that the catalog of (dirt-cheap) original PlayStation games that are available, and there really is something for everyone. Of personal interest to me, there really isn't (yet) a driving simulation for XBox on par with the PS2's Gran Turismo series. The 4th installment is due Real Soon Now, and it looks better than ever.

On the other hand, the XBox's titles are quite a bit prettier than PS2, and many of the upper-tier games these days are coming out multiplatform. The XBox version is (almost) always superior to the PS2 version. As an added bonus, most games allow you to use your own music in-game, which can make an enormous difference in some games. Add to that Halo 2 (though I still think FPSs don't belong on consoles) and you've got a powerhouse.

Finally, if you want to play online, note that, while the XBox Live userbase is staggeringly large (given the number of XBoxen sold), it ain't free. PS2 online gaming is (usually) free, when it is available.

(On preview: precisely what robbie01 said -- buy them both if you can manage it.)
posted by uncleozzy at 10:49 AM on November 16, 2004

I owned a Cube, and wanted a wider selection of games. I went with XBox. I made my decision after hours of playing Halo with friends, and enjoying how the system worked. (Halo 2 is great!)

Microsoft was a HUGE contributor to the Republican party during this past election.

Microsoft Donor Profile

2004 Election Cycle Total Contributions
Dems: $1,577,400
Repubs: $1,014,107

% to Dems: 61%
% to Repubs: 39%
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 10:54 AM on November 16, 2004

I have a PS2 and an X-Box (and a GameBoy Advance and a Nintendo 64). I prefer the PS2. I recently asked a question here about hacking an X-Box, and now we have a clear case X-Box with blue LEDs and (I think) a glow-in-the-dark fan, so it's incredibly cool-looking. But the games are still somewhat of a disappointment to me - lots of first person shooter types, but not much of the adventure types I like - Fable was supposed to be the Final Fantasy of the X-Box world but it was a big disappointment, and way too short.

My personal feeling - for sports games, RPGs, and adventure games, PS2 has the edge. For first person shooter games, it's X-Box. X-Box has some good games coming out right now. We're having Halo2 parties every night at my house, since my son's the only kid in town with an X-Box. X-Box also has cooler peripherals. Another thing - I have hands on the small side, and those St. Bernard-sized X-Box controls are insane.

Oh, and honey, if you're reading. I want a GameCube for Christmas.
posted by iconomy at 10:55 AM on November 16, 2004

I have an X-Box and a GameCube. The former for superior graphics and mod-ability, the latter for Cube-only titles (mainly Metroid Prime series).

I considered a PS2, but I'd really only play Final Fantasy games on it (well noted that it is the console of choice for RPG'ers), and that alone isn't worth the price. I saw Prince of Persia side by side on both consoles, and it was just more loverly on the Box. That drove my purchase decision.
posted by WolfDaddy at 11:07 AM on November 16, 2004

I have a GameCube and a PS2 (and two GBA SPs and a DS on Sunday) and I agree with most of what's been said above. If you want to play RPGs, PS2. If you want anything else, Xbox. (If GameCube was a choice here, I'd opt for that over Xbox)

I'm looking at my PS2 a lot of late and wishing I could turn it into an Xbox. Xbox Live and the promise of Halo 2 is much greater than what the GTA series has given me of late (San Andreas just struck me as a long list of chores).

Hurm. I wonder if I could trade in the PS2 for some credit towards an Xbox?
posted by robocop is bleeding at 11:07 AM on November 16, 2004

It's all about the games. I love XBox because of the strong selection of racing games, but my wife wishes we had a playstation because there are more Dance Dance Revolution variants for that platform.

If you're buying this for kids - Gamecube. The controllers are simpler to figure out and there are more kid-oriented games.
posted by mmoncur at 11:34 AM on November 16, 2004

I say PS2 - it has a larger game library, and once modded, can do anything an Xbox can do. I added a hard drive, and the ablilty to play copied games, import games, copied dvd's, and it's now region free.

If you like import games, a modded PS2 is a must. The amount of japanese games available is mind-blowing.

The gamecube is great, and Zelda is worth the purchase price alone.
posted by quibx at 11:39 AM on November 16, 2004

Oh, and with Game Cube, I've been seen bundles with two controlers with Mario Kart Double Dash for $99.

I paid $149 for the Game Cube, $39 for an extra controller, and $50 for Mario Kart Double Dash.... So this holiday bundle is a hellva deal!
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 11:46 AM on November 16, 2004

You never have to buy memory cards on an XBox. That's nice.
posted by smackfu at 12:07 PM on November 16, 2004

Here's how I tell the difference between the XBox library and the PS2 library. There are more breasts available per title in XBox games than there are in PS2 games.

While both libraries have added what they believe to be realistic or at least appealing physics to their female character's bosoms, the difference to me is how blatantly a game is a peep show versus if the breasts are just a bit of eye candy to an otherwise average game.

Don't get me wrong, you're gonna get fantasy sized women in both libraries. You can buy many games on either system without touching the photo realistic jiggling breast and cavernous cleavage, it's just a bit harder on the XBox.

(For what it's worth, I play console games with great irregularity. My favorite games are Mario Tennis on the N64 and Pikmin on the GC, neither of which contain gratuitous anatomies, except maybe Boo. He's just too perfectly shaped to not remind me of... a ghost. So take my advice with a box of Morton's.)
posted by sequential at 12:31 PM on November 16, 2004

Don't buy an Xbox for Halo. Buy an Xbox for Ninja Gaiden. Then get Halo.

The PS2 is a good system—it has a huge library. If Japanese-style RPGs are your thing, then you have no other choice. And the backwards compatability of the PS2 increases the RPG library exponentially.

I do not like the PS2 dual shock controller. The input of the Xbox's analog sticks are much smoother—this makes a big difference in racing games. I also like that the left-analog stick is in the default position.

I will assume you did not include the Gamecube as a choice because you already own one. If not, you make me sad.
posted by mealy-mouthed at 12:37 PM on November 16, 2004

I came in late enough that nearly everything I wanted to say has already been said, but here are a few things:

PS2 is also the best console, by far, for rhythm and puzzle games. Basically, if the genres you like are more popular in Japan than they are in the US, the PS2 is a much better choice.

Microsoft has been trying to prevent modded XBoxes from connecting to their XBox Live servers. There are some workarounds, mostly boiling down to modchips that can be disabled, but it's worth considering that, if you have a modded XBox, Microsoft doesn't particularly want you on XBox Live.

Oh, and I've got a PS2, a GameCube, two GBAs and legacy systems going as far back as the Odyssey 2000. I am just now starting to want an XBox, and the only reasons are XBMC and emulation.
posted by box at 12:54 PM on November 16, 2004

How ironic, since I just bought the bundle Steve_at_Linnwood mentioned on Friday. And I'm hoping to get a PS2 for Christmas. The way I see it, there's plenty of PS2 or GameCube exclusive titles I want to play, but I can't come up with any X-Box exclusive titles I want. (Halo does nothing for me.) As mentioned above, PS2 can play all PS1 games, and if you have a GBA (or even if you don't), you can get a Game Boy Player for your Cube, and play your GBA games on the big screen. (Worth it for the 2 Metroid and 3 Castlevania games on GBA)

I also agree with mealy-mouthed....If you haven't considered a GameCube, and haven't played Metroid Prime, you make me sad.
posted by emptybowl at 12:57 PM on November 16, 2004

I've got two words for you:

Steel. Battalion.

The greatest Xbox game ever made, even if it costs as much as the system, and Capcom dropped the support for the online play like, well something that gets dropped a lot. And then run over. If you can get into an online game of this (a feat in itself) there is nothing that compares on any other system.
posted by hughbot at 1:23 PM on November 16, 2004

*maybe b1tr0t. Maybe. Although, not many, and Sony probably isn't stupid enough to still leave the bugs in the BIOS and DVD controller. Or are they? :-D
posted by shepd at 4:11 PM on November 16, 2004

There's this device called an HDadvance (add a .com to go to the site) for the PS2 that allows you to insert any IDE hard drive inside - up to 200 gigabytes. Then, you can load any of your games (or possibly other peoples) onto the disk and choose any of them from a menu.

It's hella, hella cool. And you don't need a mod or anything... Plus the games are so responsive from a hard disk that it's like a refresh for the console.
posted by LukeyBoy at 4:29 PM on November 16, 2004

I have all three, but I think I play the Xbox most. What's odd is that the games I consider my favorites (like Katamari Damacy and the WWE Smackdown wrestling series) are all PS2 titles.

I'd suggest that if you are not sure, just walk down to the game store and browse both the Xbox game section and the PS2 game section. Count the number of titles you'd like to play on each platform and make your decision that way.

If space is a factor, the new slim PS2 is the size of a hardback book. The Gamecube is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. The Xbox is bigger than both put together.

The one thing I was disappointed with about my Xbox was that it does not play DVDs right out of the box like the PS2 can. It requires that you buy an Xbox remote, which kind of stinks.

sequential: You probably haven't seen Rumble Roses yet.
posted by MegoSteve at 5:24 PM on November 16, 2004

Get the PS2. Though there are a ton of worthless shovelware titles, the list of actual good games is very long. I can count the number of decent Xbox games on one hand and still have fingers to spare.

Modding your Xbox doesn't help, either. There are no interesting imports, and the quasi-non-commercial offerings (like emulators) are readily available on a PC with a lot less hassle.
posted by majick at 6:44 PM on November 16, 2004

I have a couple of friends with a PS2. It would have made sense for me to get one as well, so we could swap games. In the end, I bought an Xbox. The superior hardware and the hard drive was what swung it for me. I don't play online, even though I have broadband, so Xbox Live was not a selling point.

In the end, it comes down to games. Gamecube has the best muliplayer and kids games, Xbox has the best shooters and racers and PS2 has the best all-round library.

(And if you don't like Microsoft, remember that they make a loss on each console sold. If you only ever rent or buy second hand games, they never make that loss up!)
posted by salmacis at 2:33 AM on November 17, 2004

I am patiently waiting for the PS3
posted by jasondigitized at 9:01 AM on November 17, 2004

Response by poster: Yes, jason, me too (especially for the announced HD recording capacity), but now I've decided to keep those things separate and buy a HDD + DVD recorder and maybe some game console. The chances that the PS3 will have progressive scan, iGuide, optic audio out etc etc are pretty slim, and besides: when is the damn thing going to be released anyway?
posted by NekulturnY at 10:00 AM on November 17, 2004

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