Books about the US-Mexico War
November 8, 2004 12:05 PM   Subscribe

Any good books to suggest on the US-Mexico War of 1846-48? I've recently read (and found very interesting) To the Halls of the Montezumas and Eisenhower's son book. Any other suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.
posted by matteo to Writing & Language (4 answers total)
It's a novel rather than a history, but you might want to look at Gone for Soldiers by Jeff Shaara. It's centered around the young officers who would lead their armies in the Civil War 13 years later, so their contributions and activities are overemphasized.
posted by joaquim at 5:16 PM on November 8, 2004

Zinn's chapter on it is eyeopening too, in his history
posted by amberglow at 5:50 PM on November 8, 2004

The one I always heard was considered the best history of that war, which I then read and enjoyed, is Mr. Polk's Army.
posted by LeLiLo at 1:09 AM on November 9, 2004

Response by poster: thanks everybody
posted by matteo at 2:50 AM on November 9, 2004

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