4517 Ask MetaFilter answers by dobbs (displaying 1 through 50)

HostGator, which I have loved for years, has gone sour. I need a new hosting company, one not owned by Newfold Digital, which owns HostGator.
comment posted at 6:22 PM on Sep-4-24

I have someone in my past who makes up very nasty lies about me and tells them to at least one person I've known for 30+ years. It bothers me that the friend of decades hangs out with this person and I've told them so. (My friend met the liar through me.) Friend thinks it's none of my business and I'm overreacting. After about 10 years of this, with the lies still coming, I recently decided to break off the 30+ year friendship. Am I being unreasonable?
comment posted at 11:46 PM on Sep-2-24

I recently received an email with subject line "Inmate message from ${name}". I do not know this person and am struggling with whether or not to respond, as I think it may be a case of mistaken identity.
comment posted at 2:37 PM on Sep-2-24

I'm creating a super basic website and need help with a domain name. It only matters to me; this site is for me to practice computer skills and amuse myself. Perhaps share with a few friends. I want it to be a .com and I want it to be short, and incorporate my first name, Amy.
comment posted at 6:54 PM on Aug-30-24

I'm trying to lose my night owl tendencies, and so I have an phone alarm set for 11pm each night, to remind me to go to bed. If I am already in bed, and my phone is charging, I'd like that alarm to be skipped so it doesn't wake me up. It seems like this oughta be possible, but it's been a long time since I've delved into apps like Automate and Tasker. Can anyone suggest a workflow or app that'll do what I want?
comment posted at 10:20 AM on Aug-17-24

Mr. H. and I will soon be the happy occupants of a new room being added on the back of our house. What do we call this room?
comment posted at 1:06 PM on Aug-15-24

Recently I got a new phone to replace the dying once. My accounts (two gmail; there are more, but I'm dealing with one at a time) were set up several months ago with two-step verification. I went to "settings-->accounts and import" to take it off. It seems to be if (under Settings) "because of security issues", well, ok, they send you to sign in again and in order to change password or remove two-step, they send secret six digits to your old phone, that kind of defeats the purpose.
comment posted at 1:57 PM on Aug-11-24

I have a professional website, that I made in Bootstrap Studio. If I want to improve it while still having a lot of direct hands-on input, what's my best strategy?
comment posted at 7:05 PM on Aug-8-24

I’d like to attend more parties where I can meet new people casually, but I don’t know how to wrangle more invites!
comment posted at 5:21 AM on Aug-6-24

Garbage picked a junker bike with intention of giving it to my kid as a spare as her regular bike is kept at the grandparents'. Junker bike had a seized front brake but as her regular bike has a coaster brake I would prefer the junker have the same. I'd just like to confirm that my options for this would be:
comment posted at 11:59 AM on Aug-5-24

I need to watch some movies about people, fictional or not, who fell in love, got married, and had genuinely happy, healthy marriages for as long as they were together. I'm especially eager to see scenes of married couples having supportive conversations and moments of sweet, non-sexual affection. Examples inside.
comment posted at 6:41 AM on Jul-21-24

I need to find a collaborative document editing platform that does *not* save versions of every change, or at least has an option to stop versioning. Do you know of one?
comment posted at 12:58 PM on Jul-20-24

I have published a book and am very disappointed in its low sales. To me, not having an audience just means I wasted my time. My spouse says I should create work for my own satisfaction and not worry about who else likes it. Are there any quotes or writing from successful (or unsuccessful) artists out there about the importance of an audience?
comment posted at 6:04 PM on Jul-19-24

Not sure 100% what I'm looking for. Recently I enjoyed the new Elaine May bio and the book about the making of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and longer ago the Mike Nichols bio and longerer ago, the oral history of Angels in America. So like, stuff that gives a real feel for moments of genius in the performing arts (film, theater, classical music, maybe other stuff) in some particular era but let's say the last hundred years. Got anything? I've got a libro.fm credit burning a hole in my, uh, e-wallet or whatever.
comment posted at 6:07 PM on Jul-18-24

My wife is looking for horror movie recommendations. She's looking for more obscure stuff, trippy/weird - the best description of what she wants that she can give me is "The kind of movie Tool would make if they were making a horror movie."
comment posted at 6:18 PM on Jul-18-24

Looking for book recommendations to match the following: epic human stories, literary fiction (/beautiful language), not American? See examples of current favorites inside.
comment posted at 6:14 AM on Jul-16-24

Please, please please, give me some suggestions for a new information diet.
comment posted at 6:35 PM on Aug-3-24

Finally upgraded to an iPhone 15 base model after being on an iPhone 8 for years. I've missed out on so many new features and this feels like a new experience. What are your recommended apps? I'm excited about using my phone again - help me do all the cool stuff?
comment posted at 3:17 PM on Jul-14-24

I have a personal domain. I would like to send / receive emails from / to that domain using the gmail interface. I am having confusing results. Are you able to help troubleshoot?
comment posted at 11:30 AM on Jul-12-24

I am trying to incorporate this widget into my Ghost CMS. It's working, but I'd like to tweak it.
comment posted at 12:57 PM on Jul-8-24

My Sig Oth has been fuming all day, trying to download an ebook.
comment posted at 2:02 AM on Jul-8-24

I've recently ordered a new Iphone 15 Pro, after using Android for years. I'm wondering if there are quick tips to ensure I'm able to use my new Iphone efficiently. I'd like to discover any useful short cuts (for example, I could swipe my android screen for a quick screen grab). Anyone else made this transition and have any tips or resources? Thanks.
comment posted at 8:28 PM on Jul-3-24
comment posted at 3:21 PM on Jul-5-24

Welcome to HelpMe, another experiment from Rhaomi’s suggestions! Look under the fold for description of what's going on here!
comment posted at 3:34 PM on Jul-2-24
comment posted at 3:36 PM on Jul-2-24
comment posted at 3:48 PM on Jul-2-24

Recommendationfilter: nonfiction to read for pleasure, where the information is (reasonably) accurate.
comment posted at 10:58 AM on Jul-1-24

I need a new bank account and have been with TD forever. However, I'm sick of fees. Friends praise Tangerine, Simplii, and others. I realize some of these are "fronts" for "real banks" but with lower fees. What are your experiences and recommendations? Preference given to banks or credit unions that do not charge fees for incoming etransfers. I'm in Toronto if that matters. Thanks!
comment posted at 11:46 AM on Jun-27-24
comment posted at 10:45 AM on Jul-4-24

I think the time has come for me to replace my mattress and possibly box spring, but it's such a large purchase (financially and literally, mattresses are large objects) that I'm not sure how to go about it.
comment posted at 4:12 PM on Jun-27-24

My husband loves a brightly coloured tank top in the summer, but his collection is getting worn and he is having trouble finding new ones that fit the bill. Difficulty Level - Canada.
comment posted at 4:01 PM on Jun-26-24

My mom is in her mid-70s and has been misplacing her Android phone a few times later (while the ringer is off). I'd like to help find something that will help her, but it needs to be usable for her. More inside.
comment posted at 5:41 PM on Jun-25-24

Are all C ports just trash? Do I really need to buy the most expensive cords to get them to work when they plug in? Is there anything to improve these things and their lack of good charging?
comment posted at 1:19 AM on Jun-24-24

I've had two Google Pixel phones so far, the 2XL and now the 8 (Pro I think). I have to wiggle the USB-C plug inside the charging jack over and over for the sound to come through to my ears, and it doesn't always stay. Is this a known flaw of Pixel phones? or of USB-C ports on phones? I miss my 3.5mm hole!
comment posted at 2:03 PM on Jun-21-24

In this story a lonely man (he might be the protagonist) develops a crush on a younger woman, but they don't interact. He follows her and finds out she is a hairdresser. He relieves his loneliness by going to her salon for a shampoo and a haircut. That's it. Nothing else happens between them. It might be the end of the story. And it might be a minor part of the story, not the main theme.
comment posted at 3:48 AM on Jun-18-24
comment posted at 5:48 AM on Jun-18-24

My brother (42m), who i've had a mostly chill though superficial relationship with growing up, has been getting really into weaponry. Recently, we had a small argument * over text, not in person * - we live in different cities - where he tried to get me to do something I wasn't that comfortable with (though not that big a deal), and I stood up for myself, and he got angrier and angrier and said if I were there he would shoot me/use his weapons on me, and made it clear he was not joking. Now I don't feel safe around him and not sure what to do next with our relationship.
comment posted at 4:03 AM on Jun-18-24

I'm looking to get a bunch of men's t-shirts which will keep me cool when I'm out in the heat. Ideas?
comment posted at 3:04 PM on Jun-17-24

Mr. Doodly and I are each other’s favorite iPhone contacts, como Dios manda. However, Mr. Doodly’s new job requires a higher degree of decorum than in the past. He needs to put his phone on DND (or whatever focus works) and refuse (or I guess silence, but preferably refuse) all calls and texts except mine. He’d like mine to come through, but on “vibrate” only.
comment posted at 3:08 PM on Jun-17-24

My mother, 81, fell and broke her hip. They replaced it. She is doing pretty well but will take some time to recover. I want to find someone who can help her out around the house. I think there’s a lot of uncertainty about what sort of help she’ll need and when. We are in Toronto.
comment posted at 6:43 AM on Jun-16-24

MODERATOR NOTE: Before answering, please see this note further down in the thread and help avoid derails, thank you.

I've had two roommates so far who are so bothered by my spending time nude in common areas that they opt to stay in their rooms unless I'm in mine. As someone who isn't bothered at all by nudity, and someone who will grit my teeth and bear anything or anyone I find unpleasant in order to use common areas, this baffles me.
comment posted at 12:45 PM on Jun-13-24

What are your favorite artist / designer / thinker / etc websites by people who have no social media presence? I am soon launching a blog and am looking to highlight people who only promote their work through their own websites. I know this is a bit of a tall ask, but that's exactly why I want to highlight them.
comment posted at 11:30 AM on Jun-13-24
comment posted at 7:51 PM on Jun-13-24

My mother says she was in the Home Depot in Saint John, New Brunswick on June 5 and that a group of police — "not the regular police" — entered the store and locked it down, forcing shoppers and staff to stand (not sit!) at one end of the store until things were clear and that this took 2 to 3 hours. They were then let go witout explanation. I can find nothing in the news. What happened?
comment posted at 12:25 PM on Jun-7-24

Need reccs for a men's light but well-made T-shirt for warmer office work. I mean a wear alone tshirt, not an undershirt. If there's a performance silk fabric that wicks sweat and helps with sweat smell that would be a big plus, something along the lines of the copper (silver?) infused performance fabrics. Handwash is fine and indeed if it can be thrown in a sink, washed lightly and hung overnight to dry that would be great. Thanks!
comment posted at 5:12 AM on Jun-5-24

Does this exist yet? An E-reader and digital note taking device for the following use cases:

Reading ebooks that I purchase or from the library
Reading magazines from the library and that I subscribe to
Reading blogs on Feedly
Reading comics in color
Downloading PDFs to read & take notes on
Taking notes in meetings
Possibly for sketching/drawing (less important)
Note: I do NOT want to use this to look at the wider internet or social media
comment posted at 9:52 AM on Jun-3-24

What tips or strategies can I try to prevent my dog from eating grass after a nervous night?
comment posted at 1:08 AM on Jun-3-24

The Luddite is me. What can I say? I am a historian and I don't particularly like spending time in the present. But now I need two factor authentication to continue connecting to just about everything and the many workaround I have been using are no longer sufficient. Why is this even a problem? I don't have a cell phone, I don't have a budget for a cell phone and my eyesight isn't good enough to use one without extreme difficulty, and only in a good light, while squinting and muttering.
comment posted at 6:47 AM on Jun-2-24
comment posted at 7:03 AM on Jun-2-24

I would like a garment where the hood extends from my face enough to blinker my peripheral vision, much like you would a horse in an overstimulating environment. It needs to be compatible with over ear noise canceling headphones. I'm a short woman who tends to fit in size large things. I'm thinking of something along the lines of a cloak, but a hoodie could work too.
comment posted at 5:28 PM on May-26-24

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