Salt Lake City: Hotels, nightlife?
January 20, 2006 11:19 AM   Subscribe

Salt Lake City: Hotels? Nightlife?

Can anyone suggest a decent hotel that is less expensive than, but nonetheless convenient to, the Marriott in downtown Salt Lake? Also, any tips about interesting things to do at night (restaurants, bars (?), etc.). I'd like not to have to rent a car, if possible.
posted by nyterrant to Travel & Transportation around Salt Lake City, UT (9 answers total)
Walk around the tabernacle grounds--that's what I did. You might even get recruited by a cute Morman gal. You can walk from there to any number of restaurants. Keep in mind that you'll have to ask for the beer/wine list (if they serve alcohol at all). Also, in a bar, you'll need to get a "membership," since only private clubs can sell alcohol without a meal. I seem to remember a strip club by the airport, if you're into that sort of thing.
posted by MrMoonPie at 11:33 AM on January 20, 2006

To clarify MrMoonPie's point...only private social clubs in SLC can sell hard liquor. A membership generally only costs $5, and is good for about a month, so it basically functions as a cover charge.

Non-social clubs (i.e. bars) can serve regular beer and wine, though they have weird laws that make it very inconvenient to get drunk (can't order a pitcher if there are fewer than 3 people, no more than 2 drinks at a time per person, etc.)

If you're into music, a surprising number of good bands stop into SLC during tours. You should check out a local newspaper for shows.

And definitely go see Temple Square (the tabernacle is on the Square). They give free tours all the time (though you can't actually go into the Temple), and the guides are willing to answer any question you can come up with about their religion or their beliefs (though keep in mind that they're prosletizing, and they will ask you to sign up for a mailing list). Salt Lake City might be the friendliest city I ever lived in...and I'm from the Midwest!
posted by elquien at 11:56 AM on January 20, 2006

If you're in town when the Jazz are playing, the court is a couple of blocks from downtown. Always a good show.
posted by blue_beetle at 12:25 PM on January 20, 2006

Which Marriott, there are two? Not sure if the costs are comparable. Do you need to be near the Convention Center? Red Lion is near, as is the Little America (not as close as Marriott).

As for things to do at night:

Red Rock and Squatters are two local breweries. Port O'Call is a popular local club, as is Shaggy's and Cristophs (sp?) Martini Bar.
posted by toomuch at 1:38 PM on January 20, 2006 has good deals for Salt Lake Plaza Hotel at Temple Square. It used to be a Howard Johnson hotel years ago, so I imagine the quality is roughly equivilant to that. Not as nice as Marriot, but right next door to temple square and Abravanal Hall (if you are into Symphony)

Expensive, nice restaurants: Bambara, Metropolitan, Market Street Grill

Less expensive, very good restaurants: Sushi: Ginza, Pizza/Italian: Stoneground, Thai: Cafe Trang (a bit of a schlepp from Marriott).
posted by Zendogg at 1:42 PM on January 20, 2006

I've never been but the aforementioned Squatters has a beer called Captain Bastard's Oatmeal Stout. I've always loved the name. Also ancedotely, a friend has told me that the best strip club he ever went to was in SLC.
posted by mmascolino at 4:21 PM on January 20, 2006

When are you in town? It's still possible, although not easy, to get tickets to Sundance screenings, and they do have screenings in dowtown SLC.

Em's is both charming and excellent, Caffe Molise is your best bet for Italian downtown, Martine is a recommended favorite, and Red Iguana is a must. Squatters, mentioned above, is a prereq for travellers.
posted by jgee at 4:47 PM on January 20, 2006

Second the Red Iguana.

I'm not sure if Sugarbeats is operating or not still. That link is an article about them, but their actual domains seem to be down, and I haven't been in a few months, and you never know how long an indie music venue is going to survive in this state. But, worst case scenario if you do try to visit there (address in the article) is that you'd have to visit its neighbors Sugarhouse Coffee and Orion Music. That's not quite walking distance from downtown, though -- 21st South and 11 East.

There's a great bakery-deli on 3rd East between 2nd and 3rd south. I can't remember its full name, I and all my friends who regularly go just call it "The Bakery." They're open until 11 at night.

Gilgal Gardens is interesting. Religious art with themes from the local flavor, but definitely not the orthodox stuff you'll find at Temple Square. Don't know how it will look covered in snow, though.

The Salt Lake City Library is cool just to wander around for a bit.

The Clark Planetarium does computer animation / laser shows in sync with various music. Dark Side of the Moon is a local favorite. Schedule here.

And if you want to visit the quintessential local college pizza joint, get up to The Pie. Also a bit far from downtown to walk, tho'.
posted by weston at 6:21 PM on January 20, 2006

Response by poster: Thanks everyone.
posted by nyterrant at 10:01 PM on January 20, 2006

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