Why does Ask MeFi keep me logged in on my work PC, but make me log in every time on my iMac at home?
January 18, 2006 8:38 PM   Subscribe

First question: Why does Ask MeFi keep me logged in on my work PC, but make me log in every time on my iMac at home?

I did register for the account at the office, if that has anything to do with it. But I am finding it somewhat annoying to have to type in the little gibberish phrase every day at home. Is there a way to keep me logged in on both computers?

I am using the latest versions of Firefox on both computers.
posted by blogrrrl to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)

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In Firefox, go to Tools->Options, click on the Cookies tab, make sure "Allow sites to set cookies" is checked. Click Settings, make sure "Clear private data when closing Firefox" is not checked. That should do the trick, I believe.
posted by dsword at 8:44 PM on January 18, 2006

Sounds like a cookie issue to me. Try deleting your cookies. Note: you will lose other sites that have "remember me" set, so make sure you know their passwords. Otherwise, you could just manually delete MeFi's cookie, but I don't know how to do so on OS X.
posted by mr.dan at 8:44 PM on January 18, 2006

For future reference, shouldn't this (type of) question be posed in MeTa instead?
posted by disillusioned at 10:11 PM on January 18, 2006

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