What's a good high school prom venue in NYC?
June 23, 2008 7:44 PM

Can anyone suggest a good venue for a high school senior prom in New York City?

I've just been selected as next year's Senior Advisor, and I've been advised to book the prom location before the school year starts. We're a fairly large (3000-3500 students total) public high school, and I think we could expect 150-250 people to attend prom. Tickets should probably be in the $100-$200 per student range. Ideas floated so far include the Marriott Marquis in Times Square, Russo's on the Bay, and Tavern on the Green (they all look a little too expensive to me, but I hear we did Tavern a few years back -- I really have no idea what to expect anything to cost).

If you've planned or attended a prom in the city (Brooklyn or Manhattan), I'm especially interested in your input -- thanks!
posted by bah213 to Society & Culture (6 answers total)
My high school proms were held at the UN -- I don't know if they still do that -- and at the Puck Building just off Houston.

The UN's dance floor is apparently "too small," but I was pretty annoyed that my senior prom was moved to the Puck Building, just because how many people can say they had their prom at the UN?

My graduating class was about 575, I think.
posted by brina at 7:56 PM on June 23, 2008

By the way, tickets to my senior prom were about $100 in 1997. But I think the cost was only so low because of the massive amount of fundraising the junior class did for the senior prom.
posted by brina at 7:58 PM on June 23, 2008

I went to two proms in NYC: one at Bridgewaters in the South Street Seaport and one at the Grand Prospect Hall, near the Prospect Expressway (Brooklyn).

Bridgewaters had the most amazing view of the Brooklyn bridge and in my opinion was a better space overall. The Grand Prospect Hall is probably cheaper, though.
posted by cosmic osmo at 9:13 PM on June 23, 2008

Sink some time into browsing the Indiebride forums, because those women have thoroughly investigated every budget-concious venue on the island and there are lists floating around there with venue and per-head costs, etc.

You really need to check previous years' attendance to lock your numbers down, though.
posted by DarlingBri at 10:44 PM on June 23, 2008

Webster Hall does an 80's prom every week.
posted by Mach5 at 5:02 AM on June 24, 2008

Thanks for all the answers! If anyone happens to come back to this thread, we're going with the Times Square Marriott; I checked out the Grand Prospect Hall (and thought it was great), but my student committee thought the vibe was a bit...for old people. It was cheaper than the Marriott, though. Bridgewaters was also a bit too expensive, but worth thinking about next year.
posted by bah213 at 9:55 AM on July 23, 2008

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