Kenmore Square Abandoned Building?
May 27, 2008 1:23 PM

What is this building in Kenmore Square with the murals done by JP art students?

This building @ 482 commonwealth ave has been boggling my mind. Its your typical brownstone, but its been abandoned and boarded up. On the boards, there's a bunch of artwork and murals done by some JP students. What gives? what is this place? Why is prime realty abandoned in kenmore square? Anybody know anything about it?
posted by Texasjake987 to Society & Culture (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
not a direct answer to your question but a step in the right direction. this page lists who owns the property.
posted by phil at 1:39 PM on May 27, 2008

And continuing the cyber-sleuthing... I assume "MARGOLIS CALVIN ETAL" is actually "Margolis, Calvin, et al." Whether it's the past fashion designer or not, I have no idea. (But he does seem to be from the Boston area.)

Still doesn't explain what's going on with the with building, though.
posted by fogster at 1:57 PM on May 27, 2008

It's been like that since I left the neighborhood in 2003, and (as far as I can remember) for the 4 years preceding that when I was in school. I never even knew where the murals came from, so you've obviously done more sleuthing than I ever did. I hope somebody here can give you a good answer. (And man, do I miss India Quality all of a sudden!)
posted by vytae at 2:40 PM on May 27, 2008

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