Citations or reporting for psychaitric diagnosis in the military?
March 30, 2008 11:06 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for citations (including reporting) regarding psychiatric diagnosis in the military over the past several years.

Asking for a friend: During some extensive reporting last year on military and veteran health care, NPR reported high rates of diagnosis of personality disorders in the military since the Iraq war began. Because personality disorders might be said to be "pre-existing conditions," the military doesn't extend health care benefits to soldiers so diagnosed. However, there is fairly active debate in mental health circles about whether or not PTSD sometimes presents looking like a personality DO.

Does anyone know of any other sources for this information? Books, newspaper, magazine and journal articles would all be great. Anecdotes would be interesting but wouldn't really contribute to solidifying this as citable information.

(I've already searched PubMed.)
posted by OmieWise to Science & Nature (2 answers total)
Best answer: Previously. Survey on troops and MH.
posted by ClaudiaCenter at 11:14 AM on March 30, 2008

Best answer: DTIC is the PubMed of US Department of Defense research. The first hit on a query of "mental health" returns Mental Health Advisory Team (MHAT) IV Operation Iraqi Freedom 05-07 Final Report [PDF].
posted by i love cheese at 6:47 PM on March 30, 2008

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