HElp physics projectile lab
February 14, 2008 6:28 PM   Subscribe

Projectile motion lab is going to own my marks. Help please! Urgent PHYSICS

So we did this lab.. we launched an air puck from an inclined air table. We had a spark timer and got the graph of it doing a parabolic path. Wr measured the delta dx and dy for all the time intervals we also have the height and hyp
These questions i dont get..

a)By resolving the vector g into its components( one along the surface of the air table, the other perpendicular to it), show that, theoretically, the acceleration along the surface of the air table, a, is equal to gsinX

b)Caculate gsinX and compare it toy your measurement by calculating the percent difference using the follow ing equation
% difference = measured value/theoretical value x 100

c) predict and describe, with the aids of diagrams the motion of the projectile if x=45 degrees and 90 degress. Assume all other conditions remain unchanged

srryy i dont get ANY of those questions and is wondering if anyone does and can help me xd
posted by rocklee389 to Science & Nature (4 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: "Help me do my homework" is really not what AskMe is for. -- cortex

This (block on an incline) will help you get started.
posted by ssg at 6:45 PM on February 14, 2008

Shoot, if I'd known this site could be used as HomeworkFilter in college you bet I'd be asking ALL y'all about Fourier transforms.

Anyhoo, I assume you've taken geometry by this point - if not, get yourself a book or to Google and learn about right triangles. Think of your vector g as the hypotenuse, and your x [horizontal] and y [vertical] as the legs forming the right angle. That should be pretty much all you need to do these problems. Unless I suck more at physics than I thought (this is possible).

If I say anymore, I'm going to feel like I did in high school when the popular girl who never talked to me otherwise asked me what the answer to #8 during the biology test and start whispering sweet, sweet wrong answers to you.
posted by universal_qlc at 6:50 PM on February 14, 2008

Also, if your teacher is using Big X for an angle and little x for a distance, then shame on him/her.
posted by universal_qlc at 6:52 PM on February 14, 2008

Do your own bloody homework.
posted by pompomtom at 7:21 PM on February 14, 2008

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