Television ad summaries
September 27, 2007 1:32 PM

ResearchFilter: I'm looking for summaries of advertising content at different times of day on different television networks.

To be useful, the summary should include what products were advertised. It would also be helpful if it included general descriptions of the ad content ("four white men in a coffee-shop talking about Product" sort of thing).
posted by Kemayo to Society & Culture (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I highly, highly doubt this is something that any television network would make available to the public. Sounds like it'd be extremely valuable and expensive proprietary knowledge to me.
posted by junesix at 5:20 PM on September 27, 2007

I'd check the academic literature about TV advertising and see how other researchers have gotten their info. You can also try approaching Nielsen Media; they make some info available to journalists and might do the same for academic researchers. But I kind of doubt it and suspect junesix is right: they almost certainly feel the info is just too valuable to give away.
posted by mediareport at 9:07 PM on September 27, 2007

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