Photo Booth Hack
November 14, 2006 9:44 PM   Subscribe

Machack Filter: I just bought an iSight, and I love it and all. But... I want Photo Booth on my G5 dual processor tower. Yeah yeah, there's always

Cripes. I spent money on the G5, the iSight, iPods, etc. and I want Photo Booth. There were various hacks running around a while back, and I've done a ton of searches on google, yahoo, alta vista (yeah, they're still around),, etc. looking for an Apple Photo Booth download and hack, to no productiveavail (i.e. what I have found leads to dead links). Help this 16 + year Mac user do a little subversive Mac hacking and find Photo Booth for download and an explanation how to hack his G5 to run Photo Booth.
posted by smallerdemon to Technology (1 answer total)

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I don't believe you need a hack to run photo booth on your G5.

You do need to find a copy of it, and this isn't the place to be looking for illegal software.
posted by mphuie at 9:51 PM on November 14, 2006

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