Party place in DC for Birthday?
November 12, 2006 5:16 PM

Any suggestions for fun bar/lounge in DC to celebrate a friend's birthday next weekend? Looking for a place that is not too expensive, has a little dance floor, good place for a group to celebrate a friend's 30th. I know Adams Morgan has alot of places like I am asking for ideas that are NOT in Adams Morgan.
posted by psususe to Society & Culture (14 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Wonderland. Wonderland, Wonderland, Wonderland. There's a bar downstairs with a good jukebox for talking and upstairs there's dancing on weekends. It gets crowded, but not too terribly bad, the bartenders are nice and generous and it's fairly priced. (Can you tell it's my current favorite bar?)
posted by youcancallmeal at 5:29 PM on November 12, 2006

Manassas Battlefield is an excellent (and nearby) place to watch the showers.
posted by phrontist at 6:20 PM on November 12, 2006

I'll second the recommendation for wonderland, it's one of my favorites as well (sadly, you'll have missed Oh Snap! by a weekend). If there's a good DJ at Saint Ex, and it's not super crowded, you can dance there too. I also really like Science Club, but I don't know if there's a dance floor.
posted by echo0720 at 7:02 PM on November 12, 2006

Third Edition trends a bit more towards dancing than lounge. However, it has the traditional bar downstairs and a nice heated (and open!) patio if the weather is nice.
posted by Fejery at 8:06 PM on November 12, 2006

I haven't lived in D.C. for three years, so you might want to inquire beyond my recommendation, but I always liked Kingpin, at 917 U St. NW. It's a neighborhood bar and small -- holds about 40 people, but they have a DJ sometimes, and there's space to dance. It's a good place to talk, too, and it was never super-crowded. Back in my time, I had a friend who was a DJ there on Fridays and maybe someone else was there Saturdays, but call, cause my info is old.
posted by Airhen at 8:10 PM on November 12, 2006

Kingpin is no longer. It was a great place, may it RIP.
posted by youcancallmeal at 8:18 PM on November 12, 2006

Check out Velvet Lounge on U St. Nice bar downstairs, live music with a dance floor upstairs.
posted by Nathanial Hörnblowér at 8:22 PM on November 12, 2006

I always liked Andalu in midtown when I lived in DC. The WaPo makes it sound pricey, but I went there when I was 23 and poor and I don't remember it being any more expensive than anywhere else in the city.

Modern in Georgetown also seems like it might be a good option. Cool, sunken bar.
posted by awegz at 8:51 PM on November 12, 2006

Third Edition trends a bit more towards dancing than lounge. However, it has the traditional bar downstairs and a nice heated (and open!) patio if the weather is nice.

AAAACK! For god's sake no! If you don't want Adams Morgan, you won't want 3rd Edition!

U Street the place and more mature. ChiCha, HR 57, Twins, Bohemian Caverns, Black Cat, 9:30...

Top the night off by hitting Ben's.
posted by Pollomacho at 10:46 PM on November 12, 2006

Seconded Wonderland. That place is too awesome for words.

I've always found Saint Ex to be super crowded on the weekends.

I've always also liked Marx Cafe in Mount Pleasant.
posted by kdar at 4:11 AM on November 13, 2006

If you don't like the responses you get here, check out Got Plans on (that's a link to the archives). They do a chat every Thursday at 1:00; if you send in your question with a little more detail (specific music you're into? Any other preferences?) they're usually pretty good about throwing something out there.
posted by inigo2 at 6:42 AM on November 13, 2006

Thirding Wonderland. Less glam than most of the Adams Morgan bars (excluding Madam's Organ) and fewer capitol hill interns looking for inexpensive martinis. They had a great mix of 80s and contemporary dance music, and it was nice to escape the sweaty crowds by going downstairs. Try the Red Pill ($2), it's swell.
posted by zoomorphic at 6:58 AM on November 13, 2006

I second Science Bar. And Wonderland if its your scene.
posted by stratastar at 8:28 AM on November 13, 2006

er Science Club
posted by stratastar at 8:29 AM on November 13, 2006

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